(lp0 I01 aVYorozuya p1 aS'png' p2 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKakijima Shinji, Manzo - Ore, Zombiessu! p4 sS'index' p5 I1 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VOre, Zombiessu! p11 sS'track' p12 I1 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_1 p29 sS'duration' p30 F0.7239999771118164 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c1. Kakijima Shinji Manzo - Ore Zombiessu.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VRiko (CV: Miyu Tomita), Reg (CV: Mariya Ise) - Tabi no Hidarite, Saihate no Migite (Rico & Reg ver.) p4 sS'index' p5 I2 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VTabi no Hidarite, Saihate no Migite (Rico & Reg ver.) p11 sS'track' p12 I2 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_2 p29 sS'duration' p30 F133.5569999217987 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c2. Riko CV Miyu Tomita Reg CV Mariya Ise - Tabi no Hidarite Saihate no Migite Rico Reg ver..mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30df\u30c8\u30fb\u795e\u524d \u6681 - terminal terminal p4 sS'index' p5 I3 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vterminal terminal p11 sS'track' p12 I3 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_3 p29 sS'duration' p30 F103.51999998092651 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c3. \u30df\u30c8\u795e\u524d \u6681 - terminal terminal.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMikuni Shimokawa - Sore ga Ai Deshou p4 sS'index' p5 I4 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSore ga Ai Deshou p11 sS'track' p12 I4 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_4 p29 sS'duration' p30 F103.9210000038147 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c4. Mikuni Shimokawa - Sore ga Ai Deshou.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5bae\u5185\u308c\u3093\u3052(CV.\u5c0f\u5ca9\u4e95\u3053\u3068\u308a)\u3001\u4e00\u6761\u86cd(CV.\u6751\u5ddd\u68a8\u8863)\u3001\u8d8a\u8c37\u590f\u6d77(CV.\u4f50\u5009\u7dbe\u97f3)\u3001\u8d8a\u8c37\u5c0f\u97a0(CV.\u963f\u6f84\u4f73\u5948) - \u304a\u304b\u3048\u308a p4 sS'index' p5 I5 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u304a\u304b\u3048\u308a p11 sS'track' p12 I5 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_5 p29 sS'duration' p30 F101.91499996185303 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c5. \u5bae\u5185\u308c\u3093\u3052CV.\u5c0f\u5ca9\u4e95\u3053\u3068\u308a\u4e00\u6761\u86cdCV.\u6751\u5ddd\u68a8\u8863\u8d8a\u8c37\u590f\u6d77CV.\u4f50\u5009\u7dbe\u97f3\u8d8a\u8c37\u5c0f\u97a0CV.\u963f\u6f84\u4f73\u5948 - \u304a\u304b\u3048\u308a.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKOTOKO - DuDiDuWa * lalala p4 sS'index' p5 I6 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VDuDiDuWa * lalala p11 sS'track' p12 I6 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_6 p29 sS'duration' p30 F56.49900007247925 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c6. KOTOKO - DuDiDuWa lalala.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vtoi toy toi (kotringo edition) - Chant p4 sS'index' p5 I7 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VChant p11 sS'track' p12 I7 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_7 p29 sS'duration' p30 F84.27300000190735 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c7. toi toy toi kotringo edition - Chant.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VONE\u2606DRAFT - Wonderful Days (\u30ef\u30f3\u30c0\u30d5\u30eb\u30c7\u30a4\u30ba) p4 sS'index' p5 I8 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VWonderful Days (\u30ef\u30f3\u30c0\u30d5\u30eb\u30c7\u30a4\u30ba) p11 sS'track' p12 I8 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_8 p29 sS'duration' p30 F96.11400008201599 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c8. ONEDRAFT - Wonderful Days \u30ef\u30f3\u30c0\u30d5\u30eb\u30c7\u30a4\u30ba.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSkoop On Somebody - happypeople p4 sS'index' p5 I9 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vhappypeople p11 sS'track' p12 I9 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_9 p29 sS'duration' p30 F79.29099988937378 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c9. Skoop On Somebody - happypeople.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u897f\u91ce\u30ab\u30ca - Style. p4 sS'index' p5 I10 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VStyle. p11 sS'track' p12 I10 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_10 p29 sS'duration' p30 F79.48900008201599 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c10. \u897f\u91ce\u30ab\u30ca - Style..mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAsaka - SHINY DAYS p4 sS'index' p5 I11 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSHINY DAYS p11 sS'track' p12 I11 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_11 p29 sS'duration' p30 F87.70799994468689 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c11. Asaka - SHINY DAYS.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSasaki Eri - Fuyubiyori/\u3075\u3086\u3073\u3088\u308a p4 sS'index' p5 I12 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VFuyubiyori/\u3075\u3086\u3073\u3088\u308a p11 sS'track' p12 I12 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_12 p29 sS'duration' p30 F80.8899998664856 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c12. Sasaki Eri - Fuyubiyori\u3075\u3086\u3073\u3088\u308a.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSPYAIR - Some Like It Hot!! p4 sS'index' p5 I13 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSome Like It Hot!! p11 sS'track' p12 I13 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_13 p29 sS'duration' p30 F59.46799993515015 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c13. SPYAIR - Some Like It Hot.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYUI - LIFE p4 sS'index' p5 I14 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VLIFE p11 sS'track' p12 I14 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_14 p29 sS'duration' p30 F91.10700011253357 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c14. YUI - LIFE.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5927\u539f\u3086\u3044\u5b50 - \u8a00\u308f\u306a\u3044\u3051\u3069\u306d\u3002 p4 sS'index' p5 I15 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u8a00\u308f\u306a\u3044\u3051\u3069\u306d\u3002 p11 sS'track' p12 I15 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_15 p29 sS'duration' p30 F112.73099994659424 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c15. \u5927\u539f\u3086\u3044\u5b50 - \u8a00\u308f\u306a\u3044\u3051\u3069\u306d.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3055\u3088\u306a\u3089\u30dd\u30cb\u30fc\u30c6\u30fc\u30eb - \u7a7a\u3082\u98db\u3079\u308b\u306f\u305a p4 sS'index' p5 I16 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u7a7a\u3082\u98db\u3079\u308b\u306f\u305a p11 sS'track' p12 I16 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_16 p29 sS'duration' p30 F102.72099995613098 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c16. \u3055\u3088\u306a\u3089\u30dd\u30cb\u30fc\u30c6\u30fc\u30eb - \u7a7a\u3082\u98db\u3079\u308b\u306f\u305a.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vcolor bottle - Aoi Hana p4 sS'index' p5 I17 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VAoi Hana p11 sS'track' p12 I17 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_17 p29 sS'duration' p30 F73.28499984741211 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c17. color bottle - Aoi Hana.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VPorno Graffitti - Anima Rossa p4 sS'index' p5 I18 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VAnima Rossa p11 sS'track' p12 I18 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_18 p29 sS'duration' p30 F307.1870000362396 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c18. Porno Graffitti - Anima Rossa.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vnano.RIPE - \u3053\u3060\u307e\u3053\u3068\u3060\u307e p4 sS'index' p5 I19 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3053\u3060\u307e\u3053\u3068\u3060\u307e p11 sS'track' p12 I19 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_19 p29 sS'duration' p30 F101.53500008583069 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c19. nano.RIPE - \u3053\u3060\u307e\u3053\u3068\u3060\u307e.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYuka Iguchi - Platinum Disco p4 sS'index' p5 I20 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VPlatinum Disco p11 sS'track' p12 I20 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_20 p29 sS'duration' p30 F103.70500016212463 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c20. Yuka Iguchi - Platinum Disco.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKana Hanazawa - Ren'ai Circulation p4 sS'index' p5 I21 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VRen'ai Circulation p11 sS'track' p12 I21 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_21 p29 sS'duration' p30 F92.50699996948242 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c21. Kana Hanazawa - Renai Circulation.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VHirose Koumi - Groovy! p4 sS'index' p5 I22 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VGroovy! p11 sS'track' p12 I22 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_22 p29 sS'duration' p30 F90.53999996185303 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c22. Hirose Koumi - Groovy.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V \u30df\u30cd\u30e9\u30eb\u2605\u30df\u30e9\u30af\u30eb\u2605\u30df\u30e5\u30fc\u30ba - \u30d5\u30e9\u30a4\u30c823\u6642 p4 sS'index' p5 I23 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30d5\u30e9\u30a4\u30c823\u6642 p11 sS'track' p12 I23 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_23 p29 sS'duration' p30 F113.93200016021729 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c23. \u30df\u30cd\u30e9\u30eb\u30df\u30e9\u30af\u30eb\u30df\u30e5\u30fc\u30ba - \u30d5\u30e9\u30a4\u30c823\u6642.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vfhana - \u8679\u3092\u7de8\u3081\u305f\u3089 p4 sS'index' p5 I24 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u8679\u3092\u7de8\u3081\u305f\u3089 p11 sS'track' p12 I24 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_24 p29 sS'duration' p30 F84.69799995422363 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c24. fhana - \u8679\u3092\u7de8\u3081\u305f\u3089.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSukima Switch - Golden Time Lover p4 sS'index' p5 I25 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VGolden Time Lover p11 sS'track' p12 I25 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_25 p29 sS'duration' p30 F106.32100009918213 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c25. Sukima Switch - Golden Time Lover.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSPYAIR - I Wanna Be... p4 sS'index' p5 I26 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VI Wanna Be... p11 sS'track' p12 I26 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_26 p29 sS'duration' p30 F81.09299993515015 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c26. SPYAIR - I Wanna Be....mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VBoA - MASAYUME CHASING p4 sS'index' p5 I27 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VMASAYUME CHASING p11 sS'track' p12 I27 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_27 p29 sS'duration' p30 F73.4850001335144 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c27. BoA - MASAYUME CHASING.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vsupercell - My Dearest p4 sS'index' p5 I28 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VMy Dearest p11 sS'track' p12 I28 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_28 p29 sS'duration' p30 F155.38100004196167 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c28. supercell - My Dearest.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u4f50\u5009\u5343\u4ee3(CV:\u5c0f\u6fa4\u4e9c\u674e) - \u30a6\u30e9\u30aa\u30e2\u30c6\u30fb\u30d5\u30a9\u30fc\u30c1\u30e5\u30f3 p4 sS'index' p5 I29 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30a6\u30e9\u30aa\u30e2\u30c6\u30fb\u30d5\u30a9\u30fc\u30c1\u30e5\u30f3 p11 sS'track' p12 I29 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_29 p29 sS'duration' p30 F79.29299998283386 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c29. \u4f50\u5009\u5343\u4ee3CV\u5c0f\u6fa4\u4e9c\u674e - \u30a6\u30e9\u30aa\u30e2\u30c6\u30d5\u30a9\u30fc\u30c1\u30e5\u30f3.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VChouCho - piece of youth p4 sS'index' p5 I30 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vpiece of youth p11 sS'track' p12 I30 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_30 p29 sS'duration' p30 F94.91599988937378 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c30. ChouCho - piece of youth.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30bf\u30cb\u30b6\u30ef\u30c8\u30e2\u30d5\u30df - \u304d\u307f\u306b\u3068\u3069\u3051 p4 sS'index' p5 I31 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u304d\u307f\u306b\u3068\u3069\u3051 p11 sS'track' p12 I31 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_31 p29 sS'duration' p30 F64.06599998474121 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c31. \u30bf\u30cb\u30b6\u30ef\u30c8\u30e2\u30d5\u30df - \u304d\u307f\u306b\u3068\u3069\u3051.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSeira Kagami - Super Special p4 sS'index' p5 I32 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSuper Special p11 sS'track' p12 I32 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_32 p29 sS'duration' p30 F119.33999991416931 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c32. Seira Kagami - Super Special.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u306d\u3054\u3068 - DESTINY p4 sS'index' p5 I33 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VDESTINY p11 sS'track' p12 I33 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_33 p29 sS'duration' p30 F73.28400015830994 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c33. \u306d\u3054\u3068 - DESTINY.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Winding Road p4 sS'index' p5 I34 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VWinding Road p11 sS'track' p12 I34 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_34 p29 sS'duration' p30 F102.5310001373291 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c34. - Winding Road.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKOTOKO - Re-sublimity p4 sS'index' p5 I35 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VRe-sublimity p11 sS'track' p12 I35 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_35 p29 sS'duration' p30 F61.46000003814697 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c35. KOTOKO - Re-sublimity.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTwo-Mix - Just Communication p4 sS'index' p5 I36 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VJust Communication p11 sS'track' p12 I36 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_36 p29 sS'duration' p30 F108.12399983406067 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c36. Two-Mix - Just Communication.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTeddyLoid - Fly Away p4 sS'index' p5 I37 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VFly Away p11 sS'track' p12 I37 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_37 p29 sS'duration' p30 F120.54100012779236 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c37. TeddyLoid - Fly Away.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5c71\u4e0b\u667a\u4e45 - Reason p4 sS'index' p5 I38 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VReason p11 sS'track' p12 I38 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_38 p29 sS'duration' p30 F233.69900012016296 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c38. \u5c71\u4e0b\u667a\u4e45 - Reason.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTamaki Mari, Kobuchizawa Shirase, Miyake Hinata, Shiraishi Yuzuki (CV: Minase Inori, Hanazawa Kana, Iguchi Yuka, Hayami Saori) - One Step p4 sS'index' p5 I39 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VOne Step p11 sS'track' p12 I39 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_39 p29 sS'duration' p30 F75.28900003433228 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c39. Tamaki Mari Kobuchizawa Shirase Miyake Hinata Shiraishi Yuzuki CV Minase Inori Hanazawa Kana Iguchi Yuka Hayami Saori - One Step.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VOogame Asuka - Os Uchuujin p4 sS'index' p5 I40 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VOs Uchuujin p11 sS'track' p12 I40 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_40 p29 sS'duration' p30 F190.82399988174438 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c40. Oogame Asuka - Os Uchuujin.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VfripSide - LEVEL 5 -judgelight- p4 sS'index' p5 I41 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VLEVEL 5 -judgelight- p11 sS'track' p12 I41 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_41 p29 sS'duration' p30 F74.28900003433228 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c41. fripSide - LEVEL 5 -judgelight-.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u7fbd\u702c\u5ddd\u5c0f\u9ce9(CV:\u82b1\u6fa4\u9999\u83dc)&\u9ad8\u5c71\u30de\u30ea\u30a2(CV:\u4e95\u53e3\u88d5\u9999) - \u3076\u3044\u3048\u3059!!\u3089\u3044\u3070\u308b!! p4 sS'index' p5 I42 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3076\u3044\u3048\u3059!!\u3089\u3044\u3070\u308b!! p11 sS'track' p12 I42 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_42 p29 sS'duration' p30 F96.11199998855591 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c42. \u7fbd\u702c\u5ddd\u5c0f\u9ce9CV\u82b1\u6fa4\u9999\u83dc\u9ad8\u5c71\u30de\u30ea\u30a2CV\u4e95\u53e3\u88d5\u9999 - \u3076\u3044\u3048\u3059\u3089\u3044\u3070\u308b.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u795e\u7121\u306e\u305e\u307f\u3001\u5bae\u7530\u3055\u3084\u304b\u3001\u9752\u8449\u98a8\u97f3\u3001\u8c4a\u53e3\u306e\u3093(CV.Lynn\u3001M\u30fbA\u30fbO\u3001\u672c\u6e21\u6953\u3001\u5927\u897f\u6c99\u7e54) - Fantas/HIP Girlfriends! p4 sS'index' p5 I43 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VFantas/HIP Girlfriends! p11 sS'track' p12 I43 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_43 p29 sS'duration' p30 F92.90899991989136 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c43. \u795e\u7121\u306e\u305e\u307f\u5bae\u7530\u3055\u3084\u304b\u9752\u8449\u98a8\u97f3\u8c4a\u53e3\u306e\u3093CV.LynnMAO\u672c\u6e21\u6953\u5927\u897f\u6c99\u7e54 - FantasHIP Girlfriends.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VClariS - STEP p4 sS'index' p5 I44 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSTEP p11 sS'track' p12 I44 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_44 p29 sS'duration' p30 F76.48699998855591 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c44. ClariS - STEP.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VPetit Rabbit's - Daydream café p4 sS'index' p5 I45 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VDaydream café p11 sS'track' p12 I45 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_45 p29 sS'duration' p30 F96.50999999046326 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c45. Petit Rabbits - Daydream café.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMAN WITH A MISSION - Raise your flag p4 sS'index' p5 I46 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VRaise your flag p11 sS'track' p12 I46 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_46 p29 sS'duration' p30 F59.47000002861023 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c46. MAN WITH A MISSION - Raise your flag.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VL'Arc~en~Ciel - Ready Steady Go p4 sS'index' p5 I47 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VReady Steady Go p11 sS'track' p12 I47 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_47 p29 sS'duration' p30 F91.70700001716614 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c47. LArcenCiel - Ready Steady Go.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u9234\u6728\u307f\u306e\u308a - FEELING AROUND p4 sS'index' p5 I48 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VFEELING AROUND p11 sS'track' p12 I48 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_48 p29 sS'duration' p30 F80.69400000572205 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c48. \u9234\u6728\u307f\u306e\u308a - FEELING AROUND.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30df\u30cd\u30e9\u30eb\u2605\u30df\u30e9\u30af\u30eb\u2605\u30df\u30e5\u30fc\u30ba - \u30c7\u30fc\u30c8TIME p4 sS'index' p5 I49 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30c7\u30fc\u30c8TIME p11 sS'track' p12 I49 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_49 p29 sS'duration' p30 F69.48300004005432 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c49. \u30df\u30cd\u30e9\u30eb\u30df\u30e9\u30af\u30eb\u30df\u30e5\u30fc\u30ba - \u30c7\u30fc\u30c8TIME.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYamaguchi Rie with manzo - Kizuite Zombie-sama, Watashi wa Classmate Desu p4 sS'index' p5 I50 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VKizuite Zombie-sama, Watashi wa Classmate Desu p11 sS'track' p12 I50 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_50 p29 sS'duration' p30 F265.9159998893738 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c50. Yamaguchi Rie with manzo - Kizuite Zombie-sama Watashi wa Classmate Desu.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VBRADIO - HOTEL\u30a8\u30a4\u30ea\u30a2\u30f3 p4 sS'index' p5 I51 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHOTEL\u30a8\u30a4\u30ea\u30a2\u30f3 p11 sS'track' p12 I51 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_51 p29 sS'duration' p30 F105.12299990653992 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c51. BRADIO - HOTEL\u30a8\u30a4\u30ea\u30a2\u30f3.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VHirano Aya - Bouken Desho Desho? p4 sS'index' p5 I52 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VBouken Desho Desho? p11 sS'track' p12 I52 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_52 p29 sS'duration' p30 F71.08799982070923 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c52. Hirano Aya - Bouken Desho Desho.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTanii Asuka & Sanada Asami & Gotou Yuuko & Matsuki Miyu - Zetsubou Restaurant p4 sS'index' p5 I53 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VZetsubou Restaurant p11 sS'track' p12 I53 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_53 p29 sS'duration' p30 F83.28999996185303 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c53. Tanii Asuka Sanada Asami Gotou Yuuko Matsuki Miyu - Zetsubou Restaurant.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VHirano Aya - God knows... p4 sS'index' p5 I54 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VGod knows... p11 sS'track' p12 I54 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_54 p29 sS'duration' p30 F116.1340000629425 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c54. Hirano Aya - God knows....mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VRita - Little Busters! ~TV animation ver.~ p4 sS'index' p5 I55 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VLittle Busters! ~TV animation ver.~ p11 sS'track' p12 I55 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_55 p29 sS'duration' p30 F94.31499981880188 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c55. Rita - Little Busters TV animation ver..mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VBase Ball Bear - Stairway Generation p4 sS'index' p5 I56 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VStairway Generation p11 sS'track' p12 I56 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_56 p29 sS'duration' p30 F96.50800013542175 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c56. Base Ball Bear - Stairway Generation.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VBoom Boom Satellites - Back on My Feet p4 sS'index' p5 I57 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VBack on My Feet p11 sS'track' p12 I57 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_57 p29 sS'duration' p30 F102.55999994277954 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c57. Boom Boom Satellites - Back on My Feet.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VT.M. Revolution - Save The One, Save The All p4 sS'index' p5 I58 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSave The One, Save The All p11 sS'track' p12 I58 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_58 p29 sS'duration' p30 F72.88499999046326 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c58. T.M. Revolution - Save The One Save The All.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VNana Mizuki - ETERNAL BLAZE p4 sS'index' p5 I59 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VETERNAL BLAZE p11 sS'track' p12 I59 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_59 p29 sS'duration' p30 F86.50299978256226 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c59. Nana Mizuki - ETERNAL BLAZE.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYounha - Houkiboshi p4 sS'index' p5 I60 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHoukiboshi p11 sS'track' p12 I60 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_60 p29 sS'duration' p30 F67.67600011825562 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c60. Younha - Houkiboshi.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u7af9\u9054\u5f69\u5948 - Hey! \u30ab\u30ed\u30ea\u30fcQueen p4 sS'index' p5 I61 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHey! \u30ab\u30ed\u30ea\u30fcQueen p11 sS'track' p12 I61 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_61 p29 sS'duration' p30 F100.7170000076294 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c61. \u7af9\u9054\u5f69\u5948 - Hey \u30ab\u30ed\u30ea\u30fcQueen.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VPetit Rabbit's - No Poi! p4 sS'index' p5 I62 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VNo Poi! p11 sS'track' p12 I62 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_62 p29 sS'duration' p30 F99.71600008010864 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c62. Petit Rabbits - No Poi.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vmonobright - Anata MAGIC p4 sS'index' p5 I63 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VAnata MAGIC p11 sS'track' p12 I63 sS'artist' p13 Vmonobright p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VYorozuya p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_63 p30 sS'duration' p31 F73.28600001335144 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c63. monobright - Anata MAGIC.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1564695865' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VDOES - KNOW KNOW KNOW p4 sS'index' p5 I64 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VKNOW KNOW KNOW p11 sS'track' p12 I64 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_64 p29 sS'duration' p30 F72.28600001335144 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c64. DOES - KNOW KNOW KNOW.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMADKID - FAITH p4 sS'index' p5 I65 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VFAITH p11 sS'track' p12 I65 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_65 p29 sS'duration' p30 F85.09500002861023 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c65. MADKID - FAITH.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VZAQ - Alteration p4 sS'index' p5 I66 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VAlteration p11 sS'track' p12 I66 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_66 p29 sS'duration' p30 F95.71200013160706 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c66. ZAQ - Alteration.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMomoiro Clover Tei Ichimon - Nippon Egao Hyakkei p4 sS'index' p5 I67 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VNippon Egao Hyakkei p11 sS'track' p12 I67 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_67 p29 sS'duration' p30 F78.49000000953674 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c67. Momoiro Clover Tei Ichimon - Nippon Egao Hyakkei.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VViViD - BLUE p4 sS'index' p5 I68 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VBLUE p11 sS'track' p12 I68 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_68 p29 sS'duration' p30 F92.90700006484985 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c68. ViViD - BLUE.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYoko Ishida - STRIKE WITCHES ~Watashi ni Dekiru Koto~ p4 sS'index' p5 I69 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSTRIKE WITCHES ~Watashi ni Dekiru Koto~ p11 sS'track' p12 I69 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_69 p29 sS'duration' p30 F94.91799998283386 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c69. Yoko Ishida - STRIKE WITCHES Watashi ni Dekiru Koto.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKugimiya Rie & Kitamura Eri & Horie Yui - Pre-Parade p4 sS'index' p5 I70 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VPre-Parade p11 sS'track' p12 I70 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_70 p29 sS'duration' p30 F91.29699993133545 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c70. Kugimiya Rie Kitamura Eri Horie Yui - Pre-Parade.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30c1\u30fc\u30e0\u201c\u30cf\u30ca\u30e4\u30de\u30bf\u201d - \u82b1\u30cf\u8e0a\u30ec\u30e4\u3044\u308d\u306f\u306b\u307b p4 sS'index' p5 I71 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u82b1\u30cf\u8e0a\u30ec\u30e4\u3044\u308d\u306f\u306b\u307b p11 sS'track' p12 I71 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_71 p29 sS'duration' p30 F76.48800015449524 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c71. \u30c1\u30fc\u30e0\u30cf\u30ca\u30e4\u30de\u30bf - \u82b1\u30cf\u8e0a\u30ec\u30e4\u3044\u308d\u306f\u306b\u307b.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VWEAVER - \u304f\u3061\u3065\u3051Diamond p4 sS'index' p5 I72 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u304f\u3061\u3065\u3051Diamond p11 sS'track' p12 I72 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_72 p29 sS'duration' p30 F74.8899998664856 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c72. WEAVER - \u304f\u3061\u3065\u3051Diamond.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMami Kawada - Contrail ~??~ p4 sS'index' p5 I73 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VContrail ~??~ p11 sS'track' p12 I73 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_73 p29 sS'duration' p30 F86.09699988365173 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c73. Mami Kawada - Contrail.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u307f\u304b\u304f\u306b\u3093\u3050\u30c3\uff01 - \u307e\u3063\u3057\u308d\u308f\u30fc\u308b\u3069 p4 sS'index' p5 I74 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u307e\u3063\u3057\u308d\u308f\u30fc\u308b\u3069 p11 sS'track' p12 I74 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_74 p29 sS'duration' p30 F86.2960000038147 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c74. \u307f\u304b\u304f\u306b\u3093\u3050\u30c3 - \u307e\u3063\u3057\u308d\u308f\u30fc\u308b\u3069.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMami Kawada - Hishoku no Sora p4 sS'index' p5 I75 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHishoku no Sora p11 sS'track' p12 I75 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_75 p29 sS'duration' p30 F95.91499996185303 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c75. Mami Kawada - Hishoku no Sora.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VORESAMA - \u30ef\u30f3\u30c0\u30fc\u30c9\u30e9\u30a4\u30d6 p4 sS'index' p5 I76 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30ef\u30f3\u30c0\u30fc\u30c9\u30e9\u30a4\u30d6 p11 sS'track' p12 I76 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_76 p29 sS'duration' p30 F80.28799986839294 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c76. ORESAMA - \u30ef\u30f3\u30c0\u30fc\u30c9\u30e9\u30a4\u30d6.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMami Kawada - See visionS p4 sS'index' p5 I77 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSee visionS p11 sS'track' p12 I77 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_77 p29 sS'duration' p30 F98.72300004959106 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c77. Mami Kawada - See visionS.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSakamoto Maaya - Platina p4 sS'index' p5 I78 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VPlatina p11 sS'track' p12 I78 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_78 p29 sS'duration' p30 F75.2810001373291 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c78. Sakamoto Maaya - Platina.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VROUND TABLE feat. Nino - Puzzle p4 sS'index' p5 I79 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VPuzzle p11 sS'track' p12 I79 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_79 p29 sS'duration' p30 F84.90100002288818 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c79. ROUND TABLE feat. Nino - Puzzle.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VItou Kanako - Hacking to the Gate p4 sS'index' p5 I80 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHacking to the Gate p11 sS'track' p12 I80 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_80 p29 sS'duration' p30 F95.51600003242493 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c80. Itou Kanako - Hacking to the Gate.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VItou Kanako - Sky Clad no Kansokusha p4 sS'index' p5 I81 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSky Clad no Kansokusha p11 sS'track' p12 I81 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_81 p29 sS'duration' p30 F87.31599998474121 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c81. Itou Kanako - Sky Clad no Kansokusha.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5ddd\u7530\u307e\u307f - masterpiece p4 sS'index' p5 I82 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vmasterpiece p11 sS'track' p12 I82 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_82 p29 sS'duration' p30 F82.28099989891052 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c82. \u5ddd\u7530\u307e\u307f - masterpiece.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VRuka, Mona, Miki from AIKATSU\u2606STARS! - START DASH SENSATION p4 sS'index' p5 I83 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSTART DASH SENSATION p11 sS'track' p12 I83 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_83 p29 sS'duration' p30 F98.91300010681152 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c83. Ruka Mona Miki from AIKATSUSTARS - START DASH SENSATION.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCINDERELLA PROJECT - Shine!! p4 sS'index' p5 I84 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VShine!! p11 sS'track' p12 I84 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_84 p29 sS'duration' p30 F99.1159999370575 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c84. CINDERELLA PROJECT - Shine.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAimer - Brave Shine p4 sS'index' p5 I85 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VBrave Shine p11 sS'track' p12 I85 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_85 p29 sS'duration' p30 F220.86100006103516 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c85. Aimer - Brave Shine.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30ac\u30f4\u30ea\u30fc\u30eb(CV:\u5bcc\u7530\u7f8e\u6182)\u3001\u30f4\u30a3\u30fc\u30cd(CV:\u5927\u897f\u6c99\u7e54)\u3001\u30b5\u30bf\u30fc\u30cb\u30e3(CV:\u5927\u7a7a\u76f4\u7f8e)\u3001\u30e9\u30d5\u30a3\u30a8\u30eb(CV:\u82b1\u6fa4\u9999\u83dc) - \u30ac\u30f4\u30ea\u30fc\u30eb\u30c9\u30ed\u30c3\u30d7\u30ad\u30c3\u30af p4 sS'index' p5 I86 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30ac\u30f4\u30ea\u30fc\u30eb\u30c9\u30ed\u30c3\u30d7\u30ad\u30c3\u30af p11 sS'track' p12 I86 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_86 p29 sS'duration' p30 F83.69500017166138 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c86. \u30ac\u30f4\u30ea\u30fc\u30ebCV\u5bcc\u7530\u7f8e\u6182\u30f4\u30a3\u30fc\u30cdCV\u5927\u897f\u6c99\u7e54\u30b5\u30bf\u30fc\u30cb\u30e3CV\u5927\u7a7a\u76f4\u7f8e\u30e9\u30d5\u30a3\u30a8\u30ebCV\u82b1\u6fa4\u9999\u83dc - \u30ac\u30f4\u30ea\u30fc\u30eb\u30c9\u30ed\u30c3\u30d7\u30ad\u30c3\u30af.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u7530\u6751\u3086\u304b\u308a - Fantastic future p4 sS'index' p5 I87 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VFantastic future p11 sS'track' p12 I87 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_87 p29 sS'duration' p30 F105.32299995422363 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c87. \u7530\u6751\u3086\u304b\u308a - Fantastic future.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VClariS - \u30eb\u30df\u30ca\u30b9 p4 sS'index' p5 I88 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30eb\u30df\u30ca\u30b9 p11 sS'track' p12 I88 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_88 p29 sS'duration' p30 F83.69800019264221 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c88. ClariS - \u30eb\u30df\u30ca\u30b9.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3084\u306a\u304e\u306a\u304e - harumodoki p4 sS'index' p5 I89 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vharumodoki p11 sS'track' p12 I89 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_89 p29 sS'duration' p30 F86.5 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c89. \u3084\u306a\u304e\u306a\u304e - harumodoki.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3042\u304a\u3044(CV:\u4e95\u53e3\u88d5\u9999)\u3001\u3072\u306a\u305f(CV:\u963f\u6f84\u4f73\u5948) - \u8272\u9055\u3044\u306e\u7ffc p4 sS'index' p5 I90 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u8272\u9055\u3044\u306e\u7ffc p11 sS'track' p12 I90 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_90 p29 sS'duration' p30 F78.08900022506714 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c90. \u3042\u304a\u3044CV\u4e95\u53e3\u88d5\u9999\u3072\u306a\u305fCV\u963f\u6f84\u4f73\u5948 - \u8272\u9055\u3044\u306e\u7ffc.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VHirano Aya & Chihara Minori & Yuko Goto - Hare Hare Yukai p4 sS'index' p5 I91 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHare Hare Yukai p11 sS'track' p12 I91 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_91 p29 sS'duration' p30 F87.70100021362305 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c91. Hirano Aya Chihara Minori Yuko Goto - Hare Hare Yukai.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VZAQ - Serendipity p4 sS'index' p5 I92 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSerendipity p11 sS'track' p12 I92 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_92 p29 sS'duration' p30 F90.9079999923706 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c92. ZAQ - Serendipity.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VZAQ - Sparkling Daydream p4 sS'index' p5 I93 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSparkling Daydream p11 sS'track' p12 I93 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_93 p29 sS'duration' p30 F92.10599994659424 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c93. ZAQ - Sparkling Daydream.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u60c5\u5831\u51e6\u7406\u90e8(\u91ce\u3005\u539f\u3086\u305a\u3053(CV.\u5927\u4e45\u4fdd\u7460\u7f8e)\u3001\u6adf\u4e95\u552f(CV.\u6d25\u7530\u7f8e\u6ce2)\u3001\u65e5\u5411\u7e01(CV.\u7a2e\u7530\u68a8\u6c99)) feat. \u3075\u308f\u308aP - \u305b\u30fc\u306e\u3063\uff01 p4 sS'index' p5 I94 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u305b\u30fc\u306e\u3063\uff01 p11 sS'track' p12 I94 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_94 p29 sS'duration' p30 F90.10399985313416 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c94. \u60c5\u5831\u51e6\u7406\u90e8\u91ce\u3005\u539f\u3086\u305a\u3053CV.\u5927\u4e45\u4fdd\u7460\u7f8e\u6adf\u4e95\u552fCV.\u6d25\u7530\u7f8e\u6ce2\u65e5\u5411\u7e01CV.\u7a2e\u7530\u68a8\u6c99 feat. \u3075\u308f\u308aP - \u305b\u30fc\u306e\u3063.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTommy Heavenly6 - Pray p4 sS'index' p5 I95 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VPray p11 sS'track' p12 I95 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_95 p29 sS'duration' p30 F99.91700005531311 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c95. Tommy Heavenly6 - Pray.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VGARNiDELiA - ambiguous p4 sS'index' p5 I96 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vambiguous p11 sS'track' p12 I96 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_96 p29 sS'duration' p30 F83.69700002670288 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c96. GARNiDELiA - ambiguous.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VOxT - STRIDER'S HIGH p4 sS'index' p5 I97 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSTRIDER'S HIGH p11 sS'track' p12 I97 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_97 p29 sS'duration' p30 F75.48899984359741 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c97. OxT - STRIDERS HIGH.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLittle Glee Monster - \u3060\u304b\u3089\u3001\u3072\u3068\u308a\u3058\u3083\u306a\u3044 p4 sS'index' p5 I98 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3060\u304b\u3089\u3001\u3072\u3068\u308a\u3058\u3083\u306a\u3044 p11 sS'track' p12 I98 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_98 p29 sS'duration' p30 F83.69799995422363 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c98. Little Glee Monster - \u3060\u304b\u3089\u3072\u3068\u308a\u3058\u3083\u306a\u3044.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYURiKA - Shiny Ray p4 sS'index' p5 I99 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VShiny Ray p11 sS'track' p12 I99 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_99 p29 sS'duration' p30 F82.49600005149841 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c99. YURiKA - Shiny Ray.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VHARUKI - \u5486\u7b7a\u306e\u30e1\u30b7\u30a2 p4 sS'index' p5 I100 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u5486\u7b7a\u306e\u30e1\u30b7\u30a2 p11 sS'track' p12 I100 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_100 p29 sS'duration' p30 F100.31799983978271 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c100. HARUKI - \u5486\u7b7a\u306e\u30e1\u30b7\u30a2.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSasaki Sayaka - Break your world p4 sS'index' p5 I101 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VBreak your world p11 sS'track' p12 I101 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_101 p29 sS'duration' p30 F87.30399990081787 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c101. Sasaki Sayaka - Break your world.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCHiCO with HoneyWorks - \u30d7\u30e9\u30a4\u30c9\u9769\u547d p4 sS'index' p5 I102 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30d7\u30e9\u30a4\u30c9\u9769\u547d p11 sS'track' p12 I102 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_102 p29 sS'duration' p30 F77.48600006103516 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c102. CHiCO with HoneyWorks - \u30d7\u30e9\u30a4\u30c9\u9769\u547d.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMrs. GREEN APPLE - On My MiND p4 sS'index' p5 I103 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VOn My MiND p11 sS'track' p12 I103 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_103 p29 sS'duration' p30 F73.08599996566772 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c103. Mrs. GREEN APPLE - On My MiND.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vredballoon - Gin iro no Sora p4 sS'index' p5 I104 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VGin iro no Sora p11 sS'track' p12 I104 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_104 p29 sS'duration' p30 F92.10999989509583 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c104. redballoon - Gin iro no Sora.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VHello Sleepwalkers - Goya no Machiawase p4 sS'index' p5 I105 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VGoya no Machiawase p11 sS'track' p12 I105 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_105 p29 sS'duration' p30 F155.17999982833862 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c105. Hello Sleepwalkers - Goya no Machiawase.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLiSA - \u3060\u3063\u3066\u30a2\u30bf\u30b7\u306e\u30d2\u30fc\u30ed\u30fc\u3002 p4 sS'index' p5 I106 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3060\u3063\u3066\u30a2\u30bf\u30b7\u306e\u30d2\u30fc\u30ed\u30fc\u3002 p11 sS'track' p12 I106 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_106 p29 sS'duration' p30 F59.87000012397766 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c106. LiSA - \u3060\u3063\u3066\u30a2\u30bf\u30b7\u306e\u30d2\u30fc\u30ed\u30fc.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMizuki Nana - Vitalization p4 sS'index' p5 I107 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VVitalization p11 sS'track' p12 I107 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_107 p29 sS'duration' p30 F97.91400003433228 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c107. Mizuki Nana - Vitalization.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLittle Non - Hanamaru\u2606Sensation p4 sS'index' p5 I108 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHanamaru\u2606Sensation p11 sS'track' p12 I108 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_108 p29 sS'duration' p30 F90.51200008392334 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c108. Little Non - HanamaruSensation.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - IN MY WORLD p4 sS'index' p5 I109 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VIN MY WORLD p11 sS'track' p12 I109 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_109 p29 sS'duration' p30 F66.67400002479553 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c109. ROOKiEZ is PUNKD - IN MY WORLD.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VBLUE ENCOUNT - DAY×DAY p4 sS'index' p5 I110 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VDAY×DAY p11 sS'track' p12 I110 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_110 p29 sS'duration' p30 F67.27999997138977 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c110. BLUE ENCOUNT - DAYDAY.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30c4\u30a4\u30f3\u30c6\u30a4\u30eb\u30ba - \u30c4\u30a4\u30f3\u30c6\u30fc\u30eb\u30fb\u30c9\u30ea\u30fc\u30de\u30fc\uff01 p4 sS'index' p5 I111 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30c4\u30a4\u30f3\u30c6\u30fc\u30eb\u30fb\u30c9\u30ea\u30fc\u30de\u30fc\uff01 p11 sS'track' p12 I111 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_111 p29 sS'duration' p30 F80.48799991607666 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c111. \u30c4\u30a4\u30f3\u30c6\u30a4\u30eb\u30ba - \u30c4\u30a4\u30f3\u30c6\u30fc\u30eb\u30c9\u30ea\u30fc\u30de\u30fc.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5317\u5b87\u6cbb\u30ab\u30eb\u30c6\u30c3\u30c8 - \u30c8\u30a5\u30c3\u30c6\u30a3\uff01 p4 sS'index' p5 I112 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30c8\u30a5\u30c3\u30c6\u30a3\uff01 p11 sS'track' p12 I112 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_112 p29 sS'duration' p30 F87.1010000705719 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c112. \u5317\u5b87\u6cbb\u30ab\u30eb\u30c6\u30c3\u30c8 - \u30c8\u30a5\u30c3\u30c6\u30a3.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5cb8\u7530\u6559\u56e3&THE\u660e\u661f\u30ed\u30b1\u30c3\u30c4 - GATE\uff5e\u305d\u308c\u306f\u6681\u306e\u3088\u3046\u306b\uff5e p4 sS'index' p5 I113 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VGATE\uff5e\u305d\u308c\u306f\u6681\u306e\u3088\u3046\u306b\uff5e p11 sS'track' p12 I113 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_113 p29 sS'duration' p30 F87.5 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c113. \u5cb8\u7530\u6559\u56e3THE\u660e\u661f\u30ed\u30b1\u30c3\u30c4 - GATE\u305d\u308c\u306f\u6681\u306e\u3088\u3046\u306b.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VOxT - GO CRY GO p4 sS'index' p5 I114 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VGO CRY GO p11 sS'track' p12 I114 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_114 p29 sS'duration' p30 F83.90200018882751 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c114. OxT - GO CRY GO.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VOxT - Clattanoia p4 sS'index' p5 I115 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VClattanoia p11 sS'track' p12 I115 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_115 p29 sS'duration' p30 F85.49600005149841 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c115. OxT - Clattanoia.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u308f\u305f\u3066\u3093\u26065(\u6307\u51fa\u6bec\u4e9c\u30fb\u9577\u6c5f\u91cc\u52a0\u30fb\u9b3c\u982d\u660e\u91cc\u30fb\u5927\u548c\u7530\u4ec1\u7f8e\u30fb\u5927\u7a7a\u76f4\u7f8e) - \u30cf\u30c3\u30d4\u30fc\u30fb\u30cf\u30c3\u30d4\u30fc\u30fb\u30d5\u30ec\u30f3\u30ba p4 sS'index' p5 I116 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30cf\u30c3\u30d4\u30fc\u30fb\u30cf\u30c3\u30d4\u30fc\u30fb\u30d5\u30ec\u30f3\u30ba p11 sS'track' p12 I116 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_116 p29 sS'duration' p30 F95.11100006103516 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c116. \u308f\u305f\u3066\u30935\u6307\u51fa\u6bec\u4e9c\u9577\u6c5f\u91cc\u52a0\u9b3c\u982d\u660e\u91cc\u5927\u548c\u7530\u4ec1\u7f8e\u5927\u7a7a\u76f4\u7f8e - \u30cf\u30c3\u30d4\u30fc\u30cf\u30c3\u30d4\u30fc\u30d5\u30ec\u30f3\u30ba.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFUNKIST - Snow Fairy p4 sS'index' p5 I117 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSnow Fairy p11 sS'track' p12 I117 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_117 p29 sS'duration' p30 F201.83899998664856 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c117. FUNKIST - Snow Fairy.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30bf\u30fc\u30cb\u30e3\u30fb\u30c7\u30b0\u30ec\u30c1\u30e3\u30d5(CV:\u60a0\u6728\u78a7) - Los! Los! Los! p4 sS'index' p5 I118 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VLos! Los! Los! p11 sS'track' p12 I118 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_118 p29 sS'duration' p30 F251.4960000514984 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c118. \u30bf\u30fc\u30cb\u30e3\u30c7\u30b0\u30ec\u30c1\u30e3\u30d5CV\u60a0\u6728\u78a7 - Los Los Los.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u2606Taku Takahashi - Hard Cocktail p4 sS'index' p5 I119 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHard Cocktail p11 sS'track' p12 I119 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_119 p29 sS'duration' p30 F171.40199995040894 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c119. Taku Takahashi - Hard Cocktail.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u3010\u3068\u306a\u308a\u306e\u602a\u7269\u304f\u3093\u3011Q&A\u30ea\u30b5\u30a4\u30bf\u30eb (The LASTLION AniSoca Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I120 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3010\u3068\u306a\u308a\u306e\u602a\u7269\u304f\u3093\u3011Q&A\u30ea\u30b5\u30a4\u30bf\u30eb (The LASTLION AniSoca Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I120 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_120 p29 sS'duration' p30 F112.72900009155273 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c120. - \u3068\u306a\u308a\u306e\u602a\u7269\u304f\u3093QA\u30ea\u30b5\u30a4\u30bf\u30eb The LASTLION AniSoca Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30ad\u30eb\u30df\u30fc\u306e\u30d9\u30a4\u30d9\u30fc(The LASTTRAK Re - EDIT) p4 sS'index' p5 I121 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VEDIT) p11 sS'track' p12 I121 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_121 p29 sS'duration' p30 F77.08999991416931 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c121. \u30ad\u30eb\u30df\u30fc\u306e\u30d9\u30a4\u30d9\u30fcThe LASTTRAK Re - EDIT.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Bravely You (H.K.WORKS Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I122 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VBravely You (H.K.WORKS Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I122 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_122 p29 sS'duration' p30 F67.27699995040894 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c122. - Bravely You H.K.WORKS Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKikis Delivery Service - Town With A View Of The Sea (El Poco Maro Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I123 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VTown With A View Of The Sea (El Poco Maro Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I123 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_123 p29 sS'duration' p30 F140.96600008010864 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c123. Kikis Delivery Service - Town With A View Of The Sea El Poco Maro Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u30b7\u30eb\u30a8\u30c3\u30c8 (Cantabil\u03a3 EDIT) p4 sS'index' p5 I124 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30b7\u30eb\u30a8\u30c3\u30c8 (Cantabil\u03a3 EDIT) p11 sS'track' p12 I124 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_124 p29 sS'duration' p30 F72.48399996757507 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c124. - \u30b7\u30eb\u30a8\u30c3\u30c8 Cantabil\u03a3 EDIT.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u56de\u30ec\uff01\u96ea\u6708\u82b1 TEKINA Remix p4 sS'index' p5 I125 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u56de\u30ec\uff01\u96ea\u6708\u82b1 TEKINA Remix p11 sS'track' p12 I125 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_125 p29 sS'duration' p30 F124.5460000038147 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c125. - \u56de\u30ec\u96ea\u6708\u82b1 TEKINA Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Pepsiman (Expulze Bootleg) p4 sS'index' p5 I126 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VPepsiman (Expulze Bootleg) p11 sS'track' p12 I126 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_126 p29 sS'duration' p30 F111.52999997138977 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c126. - Pepsiman Expulze Bootleg.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3010\u30b9\u30c6\u30e9\u306e\u307e\u307b\u3046\u3011\u305f\u307e\u304d\u3068\u3086\u307f\u306d - \u30e8\u30ca\u30ab\u30b7\u3099\u30ab\u30eb (CoNoSyuNya FutureDrumNBass Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I127 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30e8\u30ca\u30ab\u30b7\u3099\u30ab\u30eb (CoNoSyuNya FutureDrumNBass Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I127 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_127 p29 sS'duration' p30 F118.54099988937378 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c127. \u30b9\u30c6\u30e9\u306e\u307e\u307b\u3046\u305f\u307e\u304d\u3068\u3086\u307f\u306d - \u30e8\u30ca\u30ab\u30b7\u30ab\u30eb CoNoSyuNya FutureDrumNBass Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u3010\u30a8\u30ed\u30de\u30f3\u25cb\u5148\u751fOP\u3011\u30d2\u30c8\u30ea\u30b4\u30c8 (Kanchu Best Summer Vacation Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I128 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3010\u30a8\u30ed\u30de\u30f3\u25cb\u5148\u751fOP\u3011\u30d2\u30c8\u30ea\u30b4\u30c8 (Kanchu Best Summer Vacation Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I128 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_128 p29 sS'duration' p30 F93.50500011444092 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c128. - \u30a8\u30ed\u30de\u30f3\u5148\u751fOP\u30d2\u30c8\u30ea\u30b4\u30c8 Kanchu Best Summer Vacation Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Jumping (metronicha DnB Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I129 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VJumping (metronicha DnB Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I129 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_129 p29 sS'duration' p30 F85.29800009727478 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c129. - Jumping metronicha DnB Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - 3PISS (bootleg) p4 sS'index' p5 I130 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V3PISS (bootleg) p11 sS'track' p12 I130 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_130 p29 sS'duration' p30 F75.49000000953674 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c130. - 3PISS bootleg.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSakamoto Maaya - Okaerinasai (tomatomerde Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I131 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VOkaerinasai (tomatomerde Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I131 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_131 p29 sS'duration' p30 F98.71499991416931 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c131. Sakamoto Maaya - Okaerinasai tomatomerde Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3010\u30e6\u30ea\u718a\u5d50\u3011\u30dc\u30f3\u30b8\u30e5\u30fc\u30eb\u9234\u6728 - \u3042\u306e\u68ee\u3067\u5f85\u3063\u3066\u308b (dnb remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I132 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3042\u306e\u68ee\u3067\u5f85\u3063\u3066\u308b (dnb remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I132 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_132 p29 sS'duration' p30 F77.8989999294281 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c132. \u30e6\u30ea\u718a\u5d50\u30dc\u30f3\u30b8\u30e5\u30fc\u30eb\u9234\u6728 - \u3042\u306e\u68ee\u3067\u5f85\u3063\u3066\u308b dnb remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Sister, Friend, Lover (drumneuro remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I133 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSister, Friend, Lover (drumneuro remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I133 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_133 p29 sS'duration' p30 F90.10599994659424 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c133. - Sister Friend Lover drumneuro remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u3082\u3063\u3066\u3051\uff01\u30bb\u30fc\u30e9\u30fc\u670d (1, Asterisk DnB Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I134 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3082\u3063\u3066\u3051\uff01\u30bb\u30fc\u30e9\u30fc\u670d (1, Asterisk DnB Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I134 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_134 p29 sS'duration' p30 F97.11100006103516 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c134. - \u3082\u3063\u3066\u3051\u30bb\u30fc\u30e9\u30fc\u670d 1 Asterisk DnB Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Na1mono Nedar1 (Cantabil\u03a3 EDIT) p4 sS'index' p5 I135 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VNa1mono Nedar1 (Cantabil\u03a3 EDIT) p11 sS'track' p12 I135 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_135 p29 sS'duration' p30 F72.28900003433228 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c135. - Na1mono Nedar1 Cantabil\u03a3 EDIT.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u604b\u306f\u307f\u305a\u3044\u308d(Ebon DNB Remix)\u3010From D - Remix Nation\u3011 p4 sS'index' p5 I136 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VRemix Nation\u3011 p11 sS'track' p12 I136 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_136 p29 sS'duration' p30 F86.29399991035461 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c136. \u604b\u306f\u307f\u305a\u3044\u308dEbon DNB RemixFrom D - Remix Nation.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u304f\u307e\u307f\u3053ED KUMAMIKO DANCING (yoswu Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I137 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u304f\u307e\u307f\u3053ED KUMAMIKO DANCING (yoswu Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I137 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_137 p29 sS'duration' p30 F81.72300004959106 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c137. - \u304f\u307e\u307f\u3053ED KUMAMIKO DANCING yoswu Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Shape My Story (Asterisk DnB Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I138 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VShape My Story (Asterisk DnB Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I138 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_138 p29 sS'duration' p30 F110.12800002098083 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c138. - Shape My Story Asterisk DnB Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Shinkakei Colors (HUGKISS EDIT) p4 sS'index' p5 I139 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VShinkakei Colors (HUGKISS EDIT) p11 sS'track' p12 I139 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_139 p29 sS'duration' p30 F107.1230001449585 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c139. - Shinkakei Colors HUGKISS EDIT.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vdaoko - uchiagehanabi (wag\uffe5 edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I140 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vuchiagehanabi (wag\uffe5 edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I140 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_140 p29 sS'duration' p30 F76.09299993515015 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c140. daoko - uchiagehanabi wag edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3010\u4e16\u754c\u5f81\u670d\u301c\u8b00\u7565\u306e\u30ba\u30f4\u30a3\u30ba\u30c0\u30fc\u301c\u3011Be mine (LU - I Remix)\u3010Short ver.\u3011 p4 sS'index' p5 I141 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VI Remix)\u3010Short ver.\u3011 p11 sS'track' p12 I141 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_141 p29 sS'duration' p30 F121.14199995994568 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c141. \u4e16\u754c\u5f81\u670d\u8b00\u7565\u306e\u30ba\u30f4\u30a3\u30ba\u30c0\u30fcBe mine LU - I RemixShort ver..mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VZwei - Kakuchou Place (PandaBoY remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I142 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VKakuchou Place (PandaBoY remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I142 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_142 p29 sS'duration' p30 F75.28700017929077 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c142. Zwei - Kakuchou Place PandaBoY remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30a6\u30a3\u30c3\u30c1\u2606\u30a2\u30af\u30c6\u30a3\u30d3\u30c6\u30a3(bassmicrobe Remix) - KMM\u56e3 p4 sS'index' p5 I143 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VKMM\u56e3 p11 sS'track' p12 I143 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_143 p29 sS'duration' p30 F113.9319999217987 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c143. \u30a6\u30a3\u30c3\u30c1\u30a2\u30af\u30c6\u30a3\u30d3\u30c6\u30a3bassmicrobe Remix - KMM\u56e3.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Trip Trip Trip (Hardcore Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I144 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VTrip Trip Trip (Hardcore Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I144 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_144 p29 sS'duration' p30 F118.73900008201599 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c144. - Trip Trip Trip Hardcore Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VDear You - Higurashi Vocal DnB Remix p4 sS'index' p5 I145 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHigurashi Vocal DnB Remix p11 sS'track' p12 I145 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_145 p29 sS'duration' p30 F54.062000036239624 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c145. Dear You - Higurashi Vocal DnB Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - T\u30fbS\u30fbF in \u308f\u304f\u305b\u3044 p4 sS'index' p5 I146 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VT\u30fbS\u30fbF in \u308f\u304f\u305b\u3044 p11 sS'track' p12 I146 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_146 p29 sS'duration' p30 F79.29300022125244 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c146. - TSF in \u308f\u304f\u305b\u3044.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - spy and spyce (Jun Kuroda Bootleg Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I147 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vspy and spyce (Jun Kuroda Bootleg Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I147 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_147 p29 sS'duration' p30 F59.86900019645691 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c147. - spy and spyce Jun Kuroda Bootleg Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u4e0a\u5742\u3059\u307f\u308c × Brookes Brothers - \u4e03\u3064\u306e\u6d77\u3088\u308aLoveline (Oblongar Mashup) p4 sS'index' p5 I148 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u4e03\u3064\u306e\u6d77\u3088\u308aLoveline (Oblongar Mashup) p11 sS'track' p12 I148 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_148 p29 sS'duration' p30 F155.77900004386902 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c148. \u4e0a\u5742\u3059\u307f\u308c Brookes Brothers - \u4e03\u3064\u306e\u6d77\u3088\u308aLoveline Oblongar Mashup.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u3044\u3064\u307e\u3067\u3082\u50d5\u3089\u306f\u8fbf\u308a\u7740\u3051\u306a\u3044\u66f2 p4 sS'index' p5 I149 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3044\u3064\u307e\u3067\u3082\u50d5\u3089\u306f\u8fbf\u308a\u7740\u3051\u306a\u3044\u66f2 p11 sS'track' p12 I149 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_149 p29 sS'duration' p30 F218.65899991989136 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c149. - \u3044\u3064\u307e\u3067\u3082\u50d5\u3089\u306f\u8fbf\u308a\u7740\u3051\u306a\u3044\u66f2.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTo See The Future (daramiya tomo - remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I150 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vremix) p11 sS'track' p12 I150 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_150 p29 sS'duration' p30 F66.87400007247925 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c150. To See The Future daramiya tomo - remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u30ab\u30ef\u30eb\u30df\u30e9\u30a4 (Ebon DNB Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I151 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30ab\u30ef\u30eb\u30df\u30e9\u30a4 (Ebon DNB Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I151 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_151 p29 sS'duration' p30 F114.53500008583069 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c151. - \u30ab\u30ef\u30eb\u30df\u30e9\u30a4 Ebon DNB Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Welcome JP\uff08PandaBoY Jungle Park Remix\uff09 p4 sS'index' p5 I152 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VWelcome JP\uff08PandaBoY Jungle Park Remix\uff09 p11 sS'track' p12 I152 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_152 p29 sS'duration' p30 F141.9670000076294 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c152. - Welcome JPPandaBoY Jungle Park Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - SAKURA SKIP (ZIPPY GMR MASHUP) p4 sS'index' p5 I153 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSAKURA SKIP (ZIPPY GMR MASHUP) p11 sS'track' p12 I153 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_153 p29 sS'duration' p30 F79.29100012779236 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c153. - SAKURA SKIP ZIPPY GMR MASHUP.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u3086\u308a\u3057\u3085\u3089\u3057\u3085\u3057\u3085\u3057\u3085 (takashima Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I154 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u3086\u308a\u3057\u3085\u3089\u3057\u3085\u3057\u3085\u3057\u3085 (takashima Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I154 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_154 p29 sS'duration' p30 F145.56900000572205 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c154. - \u3086\u308a\u3057\u3085\u3089\u3057\u3085\u3057\u3085\u3057\u3085 takashima Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - U.N.\u30aa\u30fc\u30a8\u30f3\u306f\u5f7c\u5973\u306a\u306e\u304b\uff1f (MS Woo Woo mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I155 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VU.N.\u30aa\u30fc\u30a8\u30f3\u306f\u5f7c\u5973\u306a\u306e\u304b\uff1f (MS Woo Woo mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I155 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_155 p29 sS'duration' p30 F84.11300015449524 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c155. - U.N.\u30aa\u30fc\u30a8\u30f3\u306f\u5f7c\u5973\u306a\u306e\u304b MS Woo Woo mix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - PUNCH M1ND HAPP1N3SS (\u2103ARP\u03941NT3R Footwork Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I156 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VPUNCH M1ND HAPP1N3SS (\u2103ARP\u03941NT3R Footwork Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I156 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_156 p29 sS'duration' p30 F111.91100001335144 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c156. - PUNCH M1ND HAPP1N3SS ARP\u03941NT3R Footwork Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Touch Tap Baby (KAN TAKAHIKO Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I157 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VTouch Tap Baby (KAN TAKAHIKO Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I157 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_157 p29 sS'duration' p30 F98.91499996185303 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c157. - Touch Tap Baby KAN TAKAHIKO Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VClariS - reunion (kleemLO Bootleg Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I158 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 Vreunion (kleemLO Bootleg Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I158 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_158 p29 sS'duration' p30 F249.8970000743866 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c158. ClariS - reunion kleemLO Bootleg Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Orange (10SAI CLUB BOOTLEG) p4 sS'index' p5 I159 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VOrange (10SAI CLUB BOOTLEG) p11 sS'track' p12 I159 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_159 p29 sS'duration' p30 F141.96199989318848 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c159. - Orange 10SAI CLUB BOOTLEG.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u4e0a\u5742\u3059\u307f\u308c - POP TEAM EPIC (kleemLO Bootleg Edit) (from \u88cfKUSO E.P.) p4 sS'index' p5 I160 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VPOP TEAM EPIC (kleemLO Bootleg Edit) (from \u88cfKUSO E.P.) p11 sS'track' p12 I160 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_160 p29 sS'duration' p30 F111.33000016212463 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c160. \u4e0a\u5742\u3059\u307f\u308c - POP TEAM EPIC kleemLO Bootleg Edit from \u88cfKUSO E.P..mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - All Right See (MASH UP) p4 sS'index' p5 I161 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VAll Right See (MASH UP) p11 sS'track' p12 I161 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_161 p29 sS'duration' p30 F84.09800004959106 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c161. - All Right See MASH UP.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - CLICK (Restart Mashup) p4 sS'index' p5 I162 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VCLICK (Restart Mashup) p11 sS'track' p12 I162 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_162 p29 sS'duration' p30 F82.69700002670288 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c162. - CLICK Restart Mashup.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V feat. 96\u732b - \u30b7\u30e3\u30f3\u30e9\u30f3\u30e9\u30f3 (takashima Soca Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I163 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u30b7\u30e3\u30f3\u30e9\u30f3\u30e9\u30f3 (takashima Soca Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I163 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_163 p29 sS'duration' p30 F100.91400003433228 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c163. feat. 96\u732b - \u30b7\u30e3\u30f3\u30e9\u30f3\u30e9\u30f3 takashima Soca Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V[\u30b4\u30fc\u30eb\u30c7\u30f3\u30bf\u30a4\u30e0OP]Golden Time - Remix(Full ver.) (\u5800\u6c5f\u7531\u8863) p4 sS'index' p5 I164 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VRemix(Full ver.) (\u5800\u6c5f\u7531\u8863) p11 sS'track' p12 I164 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_164 p29 sS'duration' p30 F155.78200006484985 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c164. \u30b4\u30fc\u30eb\u30c7\u30f3\u30bf\u30a4\u30e0OPGolden Time - RemixFull ver. \u5800\u6c5f\u7531\u8863.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u307c\u306a\u307a\u3066\u3043\u30fc\u3068\u2661S (Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I165 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u307c\u306a\u307a\u3066\u3043\u30fc\u3068\u2661S (Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I165 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_165 p29 sS'duration' p30 F88.50399994850159 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c165. - \u307c\u306a\u307a\u3066\u3043\u30fc\u3068S Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - First Kiss (Cantabil\u03a3 Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I166 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VFirst Kiss (Cantabil\u03a3 Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I166 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_166 p29 sS'duration' p30 F101.91300010681152 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c166. - First Kiss Cantabil\u03a3 Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - BEAUTIFUL\u2252SENTENCE (KAN TAKAHIKO Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I167 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VBEAUTIFUL\u2252SENTENCE (KAN TAKAHIKO Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I167 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_167 p29 sS'duration' p30 F88.30299997329712 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c167. - BEAUTIFULSENTENCE KAN TAKAHIKO Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Qunka(\u30af\u30f3\u30ab\uff01) (SHITA Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I168 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VQunka(\u30af\u30f3\u30ab\uff01) (SHITA Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I168 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_168 p29 sS'duration' p30 F65.87400007247925 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c168. - Qunka\u30af\u30f3\u30ab SHITA Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VORESAMA Edited by RENKA chan - \u6d41\u661f\u30bf\u3099\u30f3\u30b9\u30d5\u30ed\u30a2 (RENKA chan Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I169 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u6d41\u661f\u30bf\u3099\u30f3\u30b9\u30d5\u30ed\u30a2 (RENKA chan Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I169 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_169 p29 sS'duration' p30 F88.90999984741211 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c169. ORESAMA Edited by RENKA chan - \u6d41\u661f\u30bf\u30f3\u30b9\u30d5\u30ed\u30a2 RENKA chan Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30a8\u30df\u30ea\u30a2(CV:\u9ad8\u6a4b\u674e\u4f9d) Edited by RENKA chan - Stay Alive (RENKA chan Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I170 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VStay Alive (RENKA chan Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I170 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_170 p29 sS'duration' p30 F82.0920000076294 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c170. \u30a8\u30df\u30ea\u30a2CV\u9ad8\u6a4b\u674e\u4f9d Edited by RENKA chan - Stay Alive RENKA chan Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u52d5\u304f\u3001\u52d5\u304f (takashima Chill Trap Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I171 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u52d5\u304f\u3001\u52d5\u304f (takashima Chill Trap Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I171 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_171 p29 sS'duration' p30 F219.45699977874756 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c171. - \u52d5\u304f\u52d5\u304f takashima Chill Trap Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSHaVaDaVa In AMAZING (the sub account Flip) - \u98a8\u9593\u30ec\u30f4\u30a3 (CV.\u4f50\u5009\u7dbe\u97f3) p4 sS'index' p5 I172 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u98a8\u9593\u30ec\u30f4\u30a3 (CV.\u4f50\u5009\u7dbe\u97f3) p11 sS'track' p12 I172 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_172 p29 sS'duration' p30 F138.16100001335144 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c172. SHaVaDaVa In AMAZING the sub account Flip - \u98a8\u9593\u30ec\u30f4\u30a3 CV.\u4f50\u5009\u7dbe\u97f3.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - JINGO JUNGLE (KAN TAKAHIKO Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I173 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VJINGO JUNGLE (KAN TAKAHIKO Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I173 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_173 p29 sS'duration' p30 F84.6969997882843 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c173. - JINGO JUNGLE KAN TAKAHIKO Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3010\u30d5\u30eb\u30e1\u30bf\u30eb\u30d1\u30cb\u30c3\u30af\u3011\u4e0b\u5ddd\u307f\u304f\u306b - \u5357\u98a8 (The LASTLIONs Anisoca Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I174 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u5357\u98a8 (The LASTLIONs Anisoca Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I174 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_174 p29 sS'duration' p30 F78.08899998664856 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c174. \u30d5\u30eb\u30e1\u30bf\u30eb\u30d1\u30cb\u30c3\u30af\u4e0b\u5ddd\u307f\u304f\u306b - \u5357\u98a8 The LASTLIONs Anisoca Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V[ Shirobako ] Donut Quintet - Platinum Jet (EO Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I175 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VPlatinum Jet (EO Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I175 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_175 p29 sS'duration' p30 F99.11399984359741 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c175. Shirobako Donut Quintet - Platinum Jet EO Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VGersonik - Angel Exercise-Gersonik Remix (From Shirobako) p4 sS'index' p5 I176 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VAngel Exercise-Gersonik Remix (From Shirobako) p11 sS'track' p12 I176 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_176 p29 sS'duration' p30 F109.13100004196167 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c176. Gersonik - Angel Exercise-Gersonik Remix From Shirobako.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V[ Shokugeki no Soma ] Tokyo Karan Koron - Spice (EO Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I177 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSpice (EO Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I177 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_177 p29 sS'duration' p30 F132.75499987602234 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c177. Shokugeki no Soma Tokyo Karan Koron - Spice EO Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Sincerely (droplamp Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I178 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSincerely (droplamp Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I178 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_178 p29 sS'duration' p30 F98.91499996185303 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c178. - Sincerely droplamp Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - SPL\u25b3SH FREE (MASH UP) p4 sS'index' p5 I179 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSPL\u25b3SH FREE (MASH UP) p11 sS'track' p12 I179 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_179 p29 sS'duration' p30 F104.72000002861023 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c179. - SPLSH FREE MASH UP.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Haj1ker0 C3bu (\u2103ARP\u03941NT3R Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I180 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VHaj1ker0 C3bu (\u2103ARP\u03941NT3R Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I180 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_180 p29 sS'duration' p30 F92.12199997901917 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c180. - Haj1ker0 C3bu ARP\u03941NT3R Remix.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - \u306d\u3050\u305b (metronicha 808 Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I181 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V\u306d\u3050\u305b (metronicha 808 Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I181 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_181 p29 sS'duration' p30 F126.5460000038147 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c181. - \u306d\u3050\u305b metronicha 808 Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V - Sunrise and Tropical Fish (KNDRGRTN Edit) p4 sS'index' p5 I182 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSunrise and Tropical Fish (KNDRGRTN Edit) p11 sS'track' p12 I182 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_182 p29 sS'duration' p30 F106.32500004768372 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c182. - Sunrise and Tropical Fish KNDRGRTN Edit.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VRip Slyme - Sence Of Wonder p4 sS'index' p5 I183 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 VSence Of Wonder p11 sS'track' p12 I183 sS'artist' p13 VYorozuya p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 g14 ssS'dj' p18 g14 sS'extension' p19 S'mp3' p20 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p21 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005cYorozuya.png p22 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p23 S'png' p24 sS'part' p25 I0 sS'location' p26 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya p27 sS'raw_segment' p28 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005ctrack_183 p29 sS'duration' p30 F283.55800008773804 sS'destination_file' p31 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1564695865 Yorozuya\u005c183. Rip Slyme - Sence Of Wonder.mp3 p32 sg8 S'1564695865' p33 sS'bitrate' p34 I192 sS'last_part' p35 I00 sbaI01 a.