(lp0 I01 aVKethsar p1 aS'jpeg' p2 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Veveryone - \u82b1\u8a60\u675f -All our happiness is plucked from the thoughts of each and every one of you- p4 sS'index' p5 I1 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I1 sS'artist' p12 VKethsar p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'jpeg' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_1 p28 sS'duration' p29 F1018.1640000343323 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c1. everyone - \u82b1\u8a60\u675f -All our happiness is plucked from the thoughts of each and every one of you-.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1548464634' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u8c5a\u4e59\u5973 - \u30cf\u30b7\u30eb p4 sS'index' p5 I2 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30cf\u30b7\u30eb p11 sS'track' p12 I2 sS'artist' p13 V\u8c5a\u4e59\u5973 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_2 p30 sS'duration' p31 F178.4029998779297 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c2. \u8c5a\u4e59\u5973 - \u30cf\u30b7\u30eb.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VPizuya's Cell - \u7279\u5225\u306a\u4e8c\u4eba\u306e\u79d8\u5bc6\u57fa\u5730 p4 sS'index' p5 I3 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u7279\u5225\u306a\u4e8c\u4eba\u306e\u79d8\u5bc6\u57fa\u5730 p11 sS'track' p12 I3 sS'artist' p13 VPizuya's Cell p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_3 p30 sS'duration' p31 F219.8550000190735 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c3. Pizuyas Cell - \u7279\u5225\u306a\u4e8c\u4eba\u306e\u79d8\u5bc6\u57fa\u5730.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vkaztora/\u3042\u3084\u307d\u3093\u305a\uff0a - \u53ef\u80fd\u6027\u30cf\u30fc\u30e2\u30cb\u30af\u30b9 p4 sS'index' p5 I4 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u53ef\u80fd\u6027\u30cf\u30fc\u30e2\u30cb\u30af\u30b9 p11 sS'track' p12 I4 sS'artist' p13 Vkaztora/\u3042\u3084\u307d\u3093\u305a\uff0a p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_4 p30 sS'duration' p31 F232.8789999485016 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c4. kaztora\u3042\u3084\u307d\u3093\u305a - \u53ef\u80fd\u6027\u30cf\u30fc\u30e2\u30cb\u30af\u30b9.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30b3\u30f3\u30d7 - \u6b6f\u8eca p4 sS'index' p5 I5 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u6b6f\u8eca p11 sS'track' p12 I5 sS'artist' p13 V\u30b3\u30f3\u30d7 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_5 p30 sS'duration' p31 F191.63199996948242 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c5. \u30b3\u30f3\u30d7 - \u6b6f\u8eca.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u57fc\u7389\u6700\u7d42\u5175\u5668 & Aether - \u3055\u304f\u3089\u3055\u304f\u3089\u3000\uff5e Japanize Dream\u2026 p4 sS'index' p5 I6 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u3055\u304f\u3089\u3055\u304f\u3089\u3000\uff5e Japanize Dream\u2026 p11 sS'track' p12 I6 sS'artist' p13 V\u57fc\u7389\u6700\u7d42\u5175\u5668 & Aether p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_6 p30 sS'duration' p31 F215.04800009727478 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c6. \u57fc\u7389\u6700\u7d42\u5175\u5668 Aether - \u3055\u304f\u3089\u3055\u304f\u3089 Japanize Dream.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vyuiko - Naked flyer p4 sS'index' p5 I7 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Naked flyer p11 sS'track' p12 I7 sS'artist' p13 Vyuiko p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_7 p30 sS'duration' p31 F205.64199995994568 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c7. yuiko - Naked flyer.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCROW'SCLAW - Reconstruction p4 sS'index' p5 I8 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Reconstruction p11 sS'track' p12 I8 sS'artist' p13 VCROW'SCLAW p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_8 p30 sS'duration' p31 F184.22000002861023 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c8. CROWSCLAW - Reconstruction.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u7dbe\u5009\u76df,\u5e02\u677e\u693f - P:rhythm Players. p4 sS'index' p5 I9 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V P:rhythm Players. p11 sS'track' p12 I9 sS'artist' p13 V\u7dbe\u5009\u76df,\u5e02\u677e\u693f p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_9 p30 sS'duration' p31 F297.1529998779297 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c9. \u7dbe\u5009\u76df\u5e02\u677e\u693f - Prhythm Players..mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAndy Kinlay - Game Over p4 sS'index' p5 I10 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Game Over p11 sS'track' p12 I10 sS'artist' p13 VAndy Kinlay p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_10 p30 sS'duration' p31 F166.99900007247925 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c10. Andy Kinlay - Game Over.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VGARNiDELiA - REBEL FLAG p4 sS'index' p5 I11 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V REBEL FLAG p11 sS'track' p12 I11 sS'artist' p13 VGARNiDELiA p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_11 p30 sS'duration' p31 F222.2720000743866 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c11. GARNiDELiA - REBEL FLAG.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VZAQ - \u30bd\u30e9\u30ce\u30cd p4 sS'index' p5 I12 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30bd\u30e9\u30ce\u30cd p11 sS'track' p12 I12 sS'artist' p13 VZAQ p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_12 p30 sS'duration' p31 F235.8899998664856 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c12. ZAQ - \u30bd\u30e9\u30ce\u30cd.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u897f\u5ddd \u8cb4\u6559 - His\uff0fStory p4 sS'index' p5 I13 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V His\uff0fStory p11 sS'track' p12 I13 sS'artist' p13 V\u897f\u5ddd \u8cb4\u6559 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_13 p30 sS'duration' p31 F230.27400016784668 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c13. \u897f\u5ddd \u8cb4\u6559 - HisStory.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5c0f\u5ce0 \u821e - Round Ground p4 sS'index' p5 I14 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Round Ground p11 sS'track' p12 I14 sS'artist' p13 V\u5c0f\u5ce0 \u821e p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_14 p30 sS'duration' p31 F238.66599988937378 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c14. \u5c0f\u5ce0 \u821e - Round Ground.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30b3\u30b3 - \u30b5\u30fc\u30c9\u30a2\u30a4\u3084\uff01 p4 sS'index' p5 I15 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30b5\u30fc\u30c9\u30a2\u30a4\u3084\uff01 p11 sS'track' p12 I15 sS'artist' p13 V\u30b3\u30b3 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_15 p30 sS'duration' p31 F297.16799998283386 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c15. \u30b3\u30b3 - \u30b5\u30fc\u30c9\u30a2\u30a4\u3084.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VIOSYS - \u5bb4\u306f\u6c38\u9060\u306b p4 sS'index' p5 I16 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u5bb4\u306f\u6c38\u9060\u306b p11 sS'track' p12 I16 sS'artist' p13 VIOSYS p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_16 p30 sS'duration' p31 F209.85300016403198 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c16. IOSYS - \u5bb4\u306f\u6c38\u9060\u306b.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u85e4\u539f \u97a0\u83dc - Club Ibuki in Break All p4 sS'index' p5 I17 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Club Ibuki in Break All p11 sS'track' p12 I17 sS'artist' p13 V\u85e4\u539f \u97a0\u83dc p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_17 p30 sS'duration' p31 F236.26399993896484 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c17. \u85e4\u539f \u97a0\u83dc - Club Ibuki in Break All.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30b3\u30b3 - \u7815\u6708 (\u30b3\u30b3&\u3055\u3064\u304d \u304c \u3066\u3093\u3053\u3082\u308a's \u4f5c\u696d\u59a8\u5bb3Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I18 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u7815\u6708 (\u30b3\u30b3&\u3055\u3064\u304d \u304c \u3066\u3093\u3053\u3082\u308a's \u4f5c\u696d\u59a8\u5bb3Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I18 sS'artist' p13 V\u30b3\u30b3 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_18 p30 sS'duration' p31 F240.8970000743866 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c18. \u30b3\u30b3 - \u7815\u6708 \u30b3\u30b3\u3055\u3064\u304d \u304c \u3066\u3093\u3053\u3082\u308as \u4f5c\u696d\u59a8\u5bb3Remix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VJames Harris - EMIYA #LEGACY p4 sS'index' p5 I19 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V EMIYA #LEGACY p11 sS'track' p12 I19 sS'artist' p13 VJames Harris p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_19 p30 sS'duration' p31 F192.42899990081787 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c19. James Harris - EMIYA LEGACY.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VREDALiCE - Iolite p4 sS'index' p5 I20 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Iolite p11 sS'track' p12 I20 sS'artist' p13 VREDALiCE p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_20 p30 sS'duration' p31 F270.52100014686584 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c20. REDALiCE - Iolite.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vnam5 - Authenticity p4 sS'index' p5 I21 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Authenticity p11 sS'track' p12 I21 sS'artist' p13 Vnam5 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_21 p30 sS'duration' p31 F254.51600003242493 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c21. nam5 - Authenticity.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vt+pazolite - Intro - Dockaaaahhhnnn!! p4 sS'index' p5 I22 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I22 sS'artist' p12 VKethsar p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'jpeg' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_22 p28 sS'duration' p29 F75.86399984359741 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c22. tpazolite - Intro - Dockaaaahhhnnn.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1548464634' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vt+pazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival (replay2014) p4 sS'index' p5 I23 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I23 sS'artist' p12 VKethsar p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'jpeg' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_23 p28 sS'duration' p29 F293.75 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c23. tpazolite - Kick-ass Kung-fu Carnival replay2014.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1548464634' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSrav3R - After Ascension p4 sS'index' p5 I24 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V After Ascension p11 sS'track' p12 I24 sS'artist' p13 VSrav3R p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_24 p30 sS'duration' p31 F242.69200015068054 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c24. Srav3R - After Ascension.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTakagaki Ayahi - Meteor Light p4 sS'index' p5 I25 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Meteor Light p11 sS'track' p12 I25 sS'artist' p13 VTakagaki Ayahi p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_25 p30 sS'duration' p31 F272.3159999847412 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c25. Takagaki Ayahi - Meteor Light.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VIguchi Yuka - Waikyou Shenshoujin p4 sS'index' p5 I26 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Waikyou Shenshoujin p11 sS'track' p12 I26 sS'artist' p13 VIguchi Yuka p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_26 p30 sS'duration' p31 F277.9319999217987 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c26. Iguchi Yuka - Waikyou Shenshoujin.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTakagaki Ayahi - Makyuu Ichii-Bal p4 sS'index' p5 I27 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I27 sS'artist' p12 VKethsar p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'jpeg' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_27 p28 sS'duration' p29 F218.07500004768372 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c27. Takagaki Ayahi - Makyuu Ichii-Bal.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1548464634' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYuuki Aoi, Mizuki Nana, Takagaki Ayahi - RADIANT FORCE p4 sS'index' p5 I28 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V RADIANT FORCE p11 sS'track' p12 I28 sS'artist' p13 VYuuki Aoi, Mizuki Nana, Takagaki Ayahi p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_28 p30 sS'duration' p31 F271.11500000953674 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c28. Yuuki Aoi Mizuki Nana Takagaki Ayahi - RADIANT FORCE.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMizuki Nana - Vitalization p4 sS'index' p5 I29 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Vitalization p11 sS'track' p12 I29 sS'artist' p13 VMizuki Nana p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_29 p30 sS'duration' p31 F223.04999995231628 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c29. Mizuki Nana - Vitalization.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VNana Mizuki - TESTAMENT p4 sS'index' p5 I30 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V TESTAMENT p11 sS'track' p12 I30 sS'artist' p13 VNana Mizuki p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_30 p30 sS'duration' p31 F235.6710000038147 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c30. Nana Mizuki - TESTAMENT.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VChinatsu Akasaki, Mikako Komatsu, Nao Touyama, Aoi Yuuki, Yuka Iguchi - The Beef Stroganoff Song p4 sS'index' p5 I31 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V The Beef Stroganoff Song p11 sS'track' p12 I31 sS'artist' p13 VChinatsu Akasaki, Mikako Komatsu, Nao Touyama, Aoi Yuuki, Yuka Iguchi p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_31 p30 sS'duration' p31 F68.28200006484985 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c31. Chinatsu Akasaki Mikako Komatsu Nao Touyama Aoi Yuuki Yuka Iguchi - The Beef Stroganoff Song.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VWalküre - Absolute 5 p4 sS'index' p5 I32 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Absolute 5 p11 sS'track' p12 I32 sS'artist' p13 VWalküre p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_32 p30 sS'duration' p31 F263.5020000934601 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c32. Walküre - Absolute 5.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VWalküre - Zettai Reido \u03b8 Novatic p4 sS'index' p5 I33 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Zettai Reido \u03b8 Novatic p11 sS'track' p12 I33 sS'artist' p13 VWalküre p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_33 p30 sS'duration' p31 F279.960000038147 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c33. Walküre - Zettai Reido \u03b8 Novatic.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VWalküre - Onyanoko\u2606girl p4 sS'index' p5 I34 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Onyanoko\u2606girl p11 sS'track' p12 I34 sS'artist' p13 VWalküre p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_34 p30 sS'duration' p31 F295.12400007247925 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c34. Walküre - Onyanokogirl.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VWalküre - LOVE! THUNDER GLOW p4 sS'index' p5 I35 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V LOVE! THUNDER GLOW p11 sS'track' p12 I35 sS'artist' p13 VWalküre p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_35 p30 sS'duration' p31 F257.4949998855591 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c35. Walküre - LOVE THUNDER GLOW.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VWalküre - Hametsu no Junjou ~Mikumo Solo~ p4 sS'index' p5 I36 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Hametsu no Junjou ~Mikumo Solo~ p11 sS'track' p12 I36 sS'artist' p13 VWalküre p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_36 p30 sS'duration' p31 F263.53399991989136 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c36. Walküre - Hametsu no Junjou Mikumo Solo.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VWalküre - Ikenai Border Line ~album version~ p4 sS'index' p5 I37 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Ikenai Border Line ~album version~ p11 sS'track' p12 I37 sS'artist' p13 VWalküre p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_37 p30 sS'duration' p31 F274.92400002479553 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c37. Walküre - Ikenai Border Line album version.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAimer - Brave Shine p4 sS'index' p5 I38 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Brave Shine p11 sS'track' p12 I38 sS'artist' p13 VAimer p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_38 p30 sS'duration' p31 F227.04399991035461 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c38. Aimer - Brave Shine.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAimer - LAST STARDUST p4 sS'index' p5 I39 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V LAST STARDUST p11 sS'track' p12 I39 sS'artist' p13 VAimer p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_39 p30 sS'duration' p31 F315.37199997901917 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c39. Aimer - LAST STARDUST.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VHiroyuki Sawano feat. Aimee Blackschleger - Layers p4 sS'index' p5 I40 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Layers p11 sS'track' p12 I40 sS'artist' p13 VHiroyuki Sawano feat. Aimee Blackschleger p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_40 p30 sS'duration' p31 F225.46900010108948 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c40. Hiroyuki Sawano feat. Aimee Blackschleger - Layers.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u7dbe\u5009\u76df - Citron Basilic p4 sS'index' p5 I41 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Citron Basilic p11 sS'track' p12 I41 sS'artist' p13 V\u7dbe\u5009\u76df p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_41 p30 sS'duration' p31 F246.90400004386902 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c41. \u7dbe\u5009\u76df - Citron Basilic.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V3L - Champs de Etoile p4 sS'index' p5 I42 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Champs de Etoile p11 sS'track' p12 I42 sS'artist' p13 V3L p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_42 p30 sS'duration' p31 F350.1909999847412 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c42. 3L - Champs de Etoile.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VPizuya's Cell - Sucre p4 sS'index' p5 I43 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Sucre p11 sS'track' p12 I43 sS'artist' p13 VPizuya's Cell p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_43 p30 sS'duration' p31 F115.94199991226196 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c43. Pizuyas Cell - Sucre.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V3L - ASSEMBLAGE p4 sS'index' p5 I44 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V ASSEMBLAGE p11 sS'track' p12 I44 sS'artist' p13 V3L p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_44 p30 sS'duration' p31 F383.87199997901917 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c44. 3L - ASSEMBLAGE.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u666e\u900f\u660e\u5ea6 - Nap p4 sS'index' p5 I45 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Nap p11 sS'track' p12 I45 sS'artist' p13 V\u666e\u900f\u660e\u5ea6 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_45 p30 sS'duration' p31 F286.9170000553131 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c45. \u666e\u900f\u660e\u5ea6 - Nap.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VPizuya's Cell - Petillant p4 sS'index' p5 I46 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Petillant p11 sS'track' p12 I46 sS'artist' p13 VPizuya's Cell p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_46 p30 sS'duration' p31 F126.56299996376038 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c46. Pizuyas Cell - Petillant.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5742\u4e0a\u306a\u3061 - Cristallin p4 sS'index' p5 I47 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Cristallin p11 sS'track' p12 I47 sS'artist' p13 V\u5742\u4e0a\u306a\u3061 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_47 p30 sS'duration' p31 F314.77999997138977 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c47. \u5742\u4e0a\u306a\u3061 - Cristallin.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u85cd\u54b2\u307f\u307f - \u30b7\u30e5\u30fc\u30af\u30eb\u30fb\u30da\u30c6\u30a3\u30e4\u30f3 p4 sS'index' p5 I48 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30b7\u30e5\u30fc\u30af\u30eb\u30fb\u30da\u30c6\u30a3\u30e4\u30f3 p11 sS'track' p12 I48 sS'artist' p13 V\u85cd\u54b2\u307f\u307f p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_48 p30 sS'duration' p31 F211.28999996185303 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c48. \u85cd\u54b2\u307f\u307f - \u30b7\u30e5\u30fc\u30af\u30eb\u30da\u30c6\u30a3\u30e4\u30f3.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u666e\u900f\u660e\u5ea6 - Tuile Dentelle p4 sS'index' p5 I49 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Tuile Dentelle p11 sS'track' p12 I49 sS'artist' p13 V\u666e\u900f\u660e\u5ea6 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_49 p30 sS'duration' p31 F309.13100004196167 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c49. \u666e\u900f\u660e\u5ea6 - Tuile Dentelle.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u666e\u900f\u660e\u5ea6 - Fuga alla Luna p4 sS'index' p5 I50 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Fuga alla Luna p11 sS'track' p12 I50 sS'artist' p13 V\u666e\u900f\u660e\u5ea6 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_50 p30 sS'duration' p31 F251.08500003814697 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c50. \u666e\u900f\u660e\u5ea6 - Fuga alla Luna.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VNi-Sokkususu - Shukusai no Elementalia p4 sS'index' p5 I51 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I51 sS'artist' p12 VKethsar p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'jpeg' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_51 p28 sS'duration' p29 F197.01500010490417 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c51. Ni-Sokkususu - Shukusai no Elementalia.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1548464634' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vpapiyon feat. Twintails - Twintail Dreamer! p4 sS'index' p5 I52 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Twintail Dreamer! p11 sS'track' p12 I52 sS'artist' p13 Vpapiyon feat. Twintails p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_52 p30 sS'duration' p31 F226.06200003623962 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c52. papiyon feat. Twintails - Twintail Dreamer.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VChiho feat. majiko - Egao no Kanata p4 sS'index' p5 I53 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Egao no Kanata p11 sS'track' p12 I53 sS'artist' p13 VChiho feat. majiko p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_53 p30 sS'duration' p31 F237.09099984169006 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c53. Chiho feat. majiko - Egao no Kanata.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3044\u3068\u3046\u304b\u306a\u3053 - Calling my Twilight p4 sS'index' p5 I54 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Calling my Twilight p11 sS'track' p12 I54 sS'artist' p13 V\u3044\u3068\u3046\u304b\u306a\u3053 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_54 p30 sS'duration' p31 F252.48800015449524 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c54. \u3044\u3068\u3046\u304b\u306a\u3053 - Calling my Twilight.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VItou Miku - Shocking Blue p4 sS'index' p5 I55 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Shocking Blue p11 sS'track' p12 I55 sS'artist' p13 VItou Miku p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_55 p30 sS'duration' p31 F235.26699995994568 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c55. Itou Miku - Shocking Blue.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u308c\u3092\u308b - VIP KID p4 sS'index' p5 I56 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V VIP KID p11 sS'track' p12 I56 sS'artist' p13 V\u308c\u3092\u308b p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_56 p30 sS'duration' p31 F232.08399987220764 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c56. \u308c\u3092\u308b - VIP KID.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u308c\u3092\u308b - Give me a break Stop now p4 sS'index' p5 I57 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Give me a break Stop now p11 sS'track' p12 I57 sS'artist' p13 V\u308c\u3092\u308b p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_57 p30 sS'duration' p31 F218.85400009155273 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c57. \u308c\u3092\u308b - Give me a break Stop now.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u308c\u3092\u308b - YoiYoi Kokon p4 sS'index' p5 I58 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V YoiYoi Kokon p11 sS'track' p12 I58 sS'artist' p13 V\u308c\u3092\u308b p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_58 p30 sS'duration' p31 F253.2849998474121 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c58. \u308c\u3092\u308b - YoiYoi Kokon.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMomoiro Clover Z - Lost Child p4 sS'index' p5 I59 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Lost Child p11 sS'track' p12 I59 sS'artist' p13 VMomoiro Clover Z p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_59 p30 sS'duration' p31 F300.55200004577637 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c59. Momoiro Clover Z - Lost Child.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VHanazawa Kana - Mousou Express p4 sS'index' p5 I60 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Mousou Express p11 sS'track' p12 I60 sS'artist' p13 VHanazawa Kana p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_60 p30 sS'duration' p31 F259.3050000667572 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c60. Hanazawa Kana - Mousou Express.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vangela - DEAD OR ALIVE p4 sS'index' p5 I61 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V DEAD OR ALIVE p11 sS'track' p12 I61 sS'artist' p13 Vangela p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_61 p30 sS'duration' p31 F278.7279999256134 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c61. angela - DEAD OR ALIVE.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAfilia Saga - Neptune\u2606Sagashite p4 sS'index' p5 I62 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Neptune\u2606Sagashite p11 sS'track' p12 I62 sS'artist' p13 VAfilia Saga p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_62 p30 sS'duration' p31 F266.51200008392334 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c62. Afilia Saga - NeptuneSagashite.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VZAQ - Serendipity p4 sS'index' p5 I63 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Serendipity p11 sS'track' p12 I63 sS'artist' p13 VZAQ p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_63 p30 sS'duration' p31 F283.5329999923706 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c63. ZAQ - Serendipity.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAli Edwards - Devil Trigger p4 sS'index' p5 I64 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Devil Trigger p11 sS'track' p12 I64 sS'artist' p13 VAli Edwards p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_64 p30 sS'duration' p31 F403.68499994277954 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c64. Ali Edwards - Devil Trigger.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFire Bomber - PLANET DANCE(dust) p4 sS'index' p5 I65 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V PLANET DANCE(dust) p11 sS'track' p12 I65 sS'artist' p13 VFire Bomber p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_65 p30 sS'duration' p31 F253.3309998512268 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c65. Fire Bomber - PLANET DANCEdust.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFire Bomber - REMEMBER 16 p4 sS'index' p5 I66 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V REMEMBER 16 p11 sS'track' p12 I66 sS'artist' p13 VFire Bomber p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_66 p30 sS'duration' p31 F255.06200003623962 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c66. Fire Bomber - REMEMBER 16.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFire Bomber - Totsugeki Loveheart (duet version) p4 sS'index' p5 I67 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Totsugeki Loveheart (duet version) p11 sS'track' p12 I67 sS'artist' p13 VFire Bomber p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_67 p30 sS'duration' p31 F251.30299997329712 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c67. Fire Bomber - Totsugeki Loveheart duet version.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFire Bomber - SUBMARINE STREET p4 sS'index' p5 I68 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V SUBMARINE STREET p11 sS'track' p12 I68 sS'artist' p13 VFire Bomber p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_68 p30 sS'duration' p31 F263.095999956131 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c68. Fire Bomber - SUBMARINE STREET.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFire Bomber - DYNAMITE EXPLOSION p4 sS'index' p5 I69 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V DYNAMITE EXPLOSION p11 sS'track' p12 I69 sS'artist' p13 VFire Bomber p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_69 p30 sS'duration' p31 F235.48400020599365 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c69. Fire Bomber - DYNAMITE EXPLOSION.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYamashita Nanami - Radio Happy p4 sS'index' p5 I70 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Radio Happy p11 sS'track' p12 I70 sS'artist' p13 VYamashita Nanami p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_70 p30 sS'duration' p31 F228.66699981689453 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c70. Yamashita Nanami - Radio Happy.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V765PRO ALLSTARS - READY!! p4 sS'index' p5 I71 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V READY!! p11 sS'track' p12 I71 sS'artist' p13 V765PRO ALLSTARS p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_71 p30 sS'duration' p31 F261.3010001182556 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c71. 765PRO ALLSTARS - READY.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u6e0b\u8c37\u51db\u3001\u68ee\u4e45\u4fdd\u4e43\u3005\u3001\u5927\u548c\u4e9c\u5b63 - \u3055\u3088\u306a\u3089\u30a2\u30f3\u30c9\u30ed\u30e1\u30c0 p4 sS'index' p5 I72 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u3055\u3088\u306a\u3089\u30a2\u30f3\u30c9\u30ed\u30e1\u30c0 p11 sS'track' p12 I72 sS'artist' p13 V\u6e0b\u8c37\u51db\u3001\u68ee\u4e45\u4fdd\u4e43\u3005\u3001\u5927\u548c\u4e9c\u5b63 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_72 p30 sS'duration' p31 F376.85599994659424 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c72. \u6e0b\u8c37\u51db\u68ee\u4e45\u4fdd\u4e43\u3005\u5927\u548c\u4e9c\u5b63 - \u3055\u3088\u306a\u3089\u30a2\u30f3\u30c9\u30ed\u30e1\u30c0.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30b7\u30e3\u30a4\u30cb\u30fc\u30ab\u30e9\u30fc\u30ba - Spread the Wings!! p4 sS'index' p5 I73 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Spread the Wings!! p11 sS'track' p12 I73 sS'artist' p13 V\u30b7\u30e3\u30a4\u30cb\u30fc\u30ab\u30e9\u30fc\u30ba p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_73 p30 sS'duration' p31 F312.3919999599457 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c73. \u30b7\u30e3\u30a4\u30cb\u30fc\u30ab\u30e9\u30fc\u30ba - Spread the Wings.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30b7\u30e3\u30a4\u30cb\u30fc\u30ab\u30e9\u30fc\u30ba - Multicolored Sky p4 sS'index' p5 I74 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Multicolored Sky p11 sS'track' p12 I74 sS'artist' p13 V\u30b7\u30e3\u30a4\u30cb\u30fc\u30ab\u30e9\u30fc\u30ba p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_74 p30 sS'duration' p31 F308.1820001602173 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c74. \u30b7\u30e3\u30a4\u30cb\u30fc\u30ab\u30e9\u30fc\u30ba - Multicolored Sky.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30a4\u30eb\u30df\u30cd\u30fc\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u30b9\u30bf\u30fc\u30ba - \u30d2\u30ab\u30ea\u306edestination p4 sS'index' p5 I75 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30d2\u30ab\u30ea\u306edestination p11 sS'track' p12 I75 sS'artist' p13 V\u30a4\u30eb\u30df\u30cd\u30fc\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u30b9\u30bf\u30fc\u30ba p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_75 p30 sS'duration' p31 F275.3109998703003 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c75. \u30a4\u30eb\u30df\u30cd\u30fc\u30b7\u30e7\u30f3\u30b9\u30bf\u30fc\u30ba - \u30d2\u30ab\u30ea\u306edestination.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30a2\u30f3\u30c6\u30a3\u30fc\u30ab - \u30d0\u30d9\u30eb\u30b7\u30c6\u30a3\u30fb\u30b0\u30ec\u30a4\u30b9 p4 sS'index' p5 I76 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30d0\u30d9\u30eb\u30b7\u30c6\u30a3\u30fb\u30b0\u30ec\u30a4\u30b9 p11 sS'track' p12 I76 sS'artist' p13 V\u30a2\u30f3\u30c6\u30a3\u30fc\u30ab p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_76 p30 sS'duration' p31 F252.09899997711182 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c76. \u30a2\u30f3\u30c6\u30a3\u30fc\u30ab - \u30d0\u30d9\u30eb\u30b7\u30c6\u30a3\u30b0\u30ec\u30a4\u30b9.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30a2\u30f3\u30c6\u30a3\u30fc\u30ab - \u5e7b\u60d1SILHOUETTE p4 sS'index' p5 I77 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u5e7b\u60d1SILHOUETTE p11 sS'track' p12 I77 sS'artist' p13 V\u30a2\u30f3\u30c6\u30a3\u30fc\u30ab p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_77 p30 sS'duration' p31 F241.09899997711182 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c77. \u30a2\u30f3\u30c6\u30a3\u30fc\u30ab - \u5e7b\u60d1SILHOUETTE.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u653e\u8ab2\u5f8c\u30af\u30e9\u30a4\u30de\u30c3\u30af\u30b9\u30ac\u30fc\u30eb\u30ba - \u5922\u54b2\u304dAfter school p4 sS'index' p5 I78 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u5922\u54b2\u304dAfter school p11 sS'track' p12 I78 sS'artist' p13 V\u653e\u8ab2\u5f8c\u30af\u30e9\u30a4\u30de\u30c3\u30af\u30b9\u30ac\u30fc\u30eb\u30ba p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_78 p30 sS'duration' p31 F227.2630000114441 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c78. \u653e\u8ab2\u5f8c\u30af\u30e9\u30a4\u30de\u30c3\u30af\u30b9\u30ac\u30fc\u30eb\u30ba - \u5922\u54b2\u304dAfter school.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u653e\u8ab2\u5f8c\u30af\u30e9\u30a4\u30de\u30c3\u30af\u30b9\u30ac\u30fc\u30eb\u30ba - \u592a\u967d\u30ad\u30c3\u30b9 p4 sS'index' p5 I79 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u592a\u967d\u30ad\u30c3\u30b9 p11 sS'track' p12 I79 sS'artist' p13 V\u653e\u8ab2\u5f8c\u30af\u30e9\u30a4\u30de\u30c3\u30af\u30b9\u30ac\u30fc\u30eb\u30ba p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_79 p30 sS'duration' p31 F290.7550001144409 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c79. \u653e\u8ab2\u5f8c\u30af\u30e9\u30a4\u30de\u30c3\u30af\u30b9\u30ac\u30fc\u30eb\u30ba - \u592a\u967d\u30ad\u30c3\u30b9.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30a2\u30eb\u30b9\u30c8\u30ed\u30e1\u30ea\u30a2 - \u30a2\u30eb\u30b9\u30c8\u30ed\u30e1\u30ea\u30a2 p4 sS'index' p5 I80 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30a2\u30eb\u30b9\u30c8\u30ed\u30e1\u30ea\u30a2 p11 sS'track' p12 I80 sS'artist' p13 V\u30a2\u30eb\u30b9\u30c8\u30ed\u30e1\u30ea\u30a2 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_80 p30 sS'duration' p31 F281.9579999446869 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c80. \u30a2\u30eb\u30b9\u30c8\u30ed\u30e1\u30ea\u30a2 - \u30a2\u30eb\u30b9\u30c8\u30ed\u30e1\u30ea\u30a2.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30a2\u30eb\u30b9\u30c8\u30ed\u30e1\u30ea\u30a2 - \u30cf\u30d4\u30ea\u30ea p4 sS'index' p5 I81 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30cf\u30d4\u30ea\u30ea p11 sS'track' p12 I81 sS'artist' p13 V\u30a2\u30eb\u30b9\u30c8\u30ed\u30e1\u30ea\u30a2 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_81 p30 sS'duration' p31 F257.0899999141693 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c81. \u30a2\u30eb\u30b9\u30c8\u30ed\u30e1\u30ea\u30a2 - \u30cf\u30d4\u30ea\u30ea.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u4e00\u30ce\u702c\u5fd7\u5e0c - \u79d8\u5bc6\u306e\u30c8\u30ef\u30ec p4 sS'index' p5 I82 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u79d8\u5bc6\u306e\u30c8\u30ef\u30ec p11 sS'track' p12 I82 sS'artist' p13 V\u4e00\u30ce\u702c\u5fd7\u5e0c p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 VKethsar p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'jpeg' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_82 p30 sS'duration' p31 F278.13499999046326 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c82. \u4e00\u30ce\u702c\u5fd7\u5e0c - \u79d8\u5bc6\u306e\u30c8\u30ef\u30ec.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1548464634' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSee-Saw - Anna ni Issho Datta no ni p4 sS'index' p5 I83 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I83 sS'artist' p12 VKethsar p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005cKethsar.jpeg p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'jpeg' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005ctrack_83 p28 sS'duration' p29 F288.7440001964569 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1548464634 Kethsar\u005c83. See-Saw - Anna ni Issho Datta no ni.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1548464634' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.