(lp0 I01 aVkipumasu p1 aS'png' p2 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VRound Wave Crusher - Bakuretsu Mahou p4 sS'index' p5 I1 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Bakuretsu Mahou p11 sS'track' p12 I1 sS'artist' p13 VRound Wave Crusher p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_1 p30 sS'duration' p31 F0.7650001049041748 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c1. Round Wave Crusher - Bakuretsu Mahou.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VDragonforce - Through The Fire And Flames p4 sS'index' p5 I2 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Through The Fire And Flames p11 sS'track' p12 I2 sS'artist' p13 VDragonforce p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_2 p30 sS'duration' p31 F429.9069998264313 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c2. Dragonforce - Through The Fire And Flames.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSPYAIR - JUST ONE LIFE p4 sS'index' p5 I3 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V JUST ONE LIFE p11 sS'track' p12 I3 sS'artist' p13 VSPYAIR p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_3 p30 sS'duration' p31 F235.67000007629395 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c3. SPYAIR - JUST ONE LIFE.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKana Asumi - Someone Else p4 sS'index' p5 I4 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Someone Else p11 sS'track' p12 I4 sS'artist' p13 VKana Asumi p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_4 p30 sS'duration' p31 F276.3090000152588 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c4. Kana Asumi - Someone Else.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKana Asumi - Coolish Walk p4 sS'index' p5 I5 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Coolish Walk p11 sS'track' p12 I5 sS'artist' p13 VKana Asumi p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_5 p30 sS'duration' p31 F248.68099999427795 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c5. Kana Asumi - Coolish Walk.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMay'n - Brain Diver p4 sS'index' p5 I6 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Brain Diver p11 sS'track' p12 I6 sS'artist' p13 VMay'n p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_6 p30 sS'duration' p31 F218.86800003051758 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c6. Mayn - Brain Diver.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30d5\u30e9\u30f3\u30b7\u30e5\u30b7\u30e5 - \u5f92\u82b1\u30cd\u30af\u30ed\u30de\u30f3\u30b7\u30fc p4 sS'index' p5 I7 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u5f92\u82b1\u30cd\u30af\u30ed\u30de\u30f3\u30b7\u30fc p11 sS'track' p12 I7 sS'artist' p13 V\u30d5\u30e9\u30f3\u30b7\u30e5\u30b7\u30e5 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_7 p30 sS'duration' p31 F157.18700003623962 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c7. \u30d5\u30e9\u30f3\u30b7\u30e5\u30b7\u30e5 - \u5f92\u82b1\u30cd\u30af\u30ed\u30de\u30f3\u30b7\u30fc.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V[HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 11 [480p] p4 sS'index' p5 I8 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V 11 [480p] p11 sS'track' p12 I8 sS'artist' p13 V[HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_8 p30 sS'duration' p31 F91.3069999217987 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c8. HorribleSubs Zombieland Saga - 11 480p.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMikakuning! - Tomadoi Recipe p4 sS'index' p5 I9 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Tomadoi Recipe p11 sS'track' p12 I9 sS'artist' p13 VMikakuning! p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_9 p30 sS'duration' p31 F269.52300000190735 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c9. Mikakuning - Tomadoi Recipe.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VDEATH DEVIL - \u5149 p4 sS'index' p5 I10 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u5149 p11 sS'track' p12 I10 sS'artist' p13 VDEATH DEVIL p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_10 p30 sS'duration' p31 F208.6360001564026 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c10. DEATH DEVIL - \u5149.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VGackt - Journey through the Decade p4 sS'index' p5 I11 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Journey through the Decade p11 sS'track' p12 I11 sS'artist' p13 VGackt p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_11 p30 sS'duration' p31 F270.92700004577637 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c11. Gackt - Journey through the Decade.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u897f\u5ddd\u8cb4\u6559 - His/Story p4 sS'index' p5 I12 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V His/Story p11 sS'track' p12 I12 sS'artist' p13 V\u897f\u5ddd\u8cb4\u6559 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_12 p30 sS'duration' p31 F231.06899976730347 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c12. \u897f\u5ddd\u8cb4\u6559 - HisStory.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vabingdon boys school - HOWLING p4 sS'index' p5 I13 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V HOWLING p11 sS'track' p12 I13 sS'artist' p13 Vabingdon boys school p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_13 p30 sS'duration' p31 F279.31900000572205 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c13. abingdon boys school - HOWLING.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAimee Blackschleger - Layers p4 sS'index' p5 I14 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Layers p11 sS'track' p12 I14 sS'artist' p13 VAimee Blackschleger p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_14 p30 sS'duration' p31 F219.44600009918213 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c14. Aimee Blackschleger - Layers.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTommy Heavenly6 - PAPERMOON p4 sS'index' p5 I15 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V PAPERMOON p11 sS'track' p12 I15 sS'artist' p13 VTommy Heavenly6 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_15 p30 sS'duration' p31 F263.3139998912811 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c15. Tommy Heavenly6 - PAPERMOON.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VJamie Christopherson - I'm My Own Master Now (Platinum Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I16 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V I'm My Own Master Now (Platinum Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I16 sS'artist' p13 VJamie Christopherson p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_16 p30 sS'duration' p31 F125.95600008964539 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c16. Jamie Christopherson - Im My Own Master Now Platinum Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - Red Sun (Maniac Agenda Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I17 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Red Sun (Maniac Agenda Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I17 sS'artist' p13 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_17 p30 sS'duration' p31 F131.35199999809265 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c17. Logan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - Red Sun Maniac Agenda Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VJamie Christopherson - Rules of Nature (Platinum Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I18 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Rules of Nature (Platinum Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I18 sS'artist' p13 VJamie Christopherson p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_18 p30 sS'duration' p31 F142.16400003433228 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c18. Jamie Christopherson - Rules of Nature Platinum Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - The Only Thing I Know for Real (Maniac Agenda Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I19 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V The Only Thing I Know for Real (Maniac Agenda Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I19 sS'artist' p13 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_19 p30 sS'duration' p31 F137.56200003623962 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c19. Logan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - The Only Thing I Know for Real Maniac Agenda Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - A Stranger I Remain (Maniac Agenda Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I20 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V A Stranger I Remain (Maniac Agenda Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I20 sS'artist' p13 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_20 p30 sS'duration' p31 F145.17400002479553 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c20. Logan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - A Stranger I Remain Maniac Agenda Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - The Stains of Time (Maniac Agenda Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I21 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V The Stains of Time (Maniac Agenda Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I21 sS'artist' p13 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_21 p30 sS'duration' p31 F127.76399993896484 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c21. Logan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - The Stains of Time Maniac Agenda Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VJamie Christopherson - A Soul Can't Be Cut (Platinum Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I22 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V A Soul Can't Be Cut (Platinum Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I22 sS'artist' p13 VJamie Christopherson p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_22 p30 sS'duration' p31 F138.35599994659424 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c22. Jamie Christopherson - A Soul Cant Be Cut Platinum Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - Collective Consciousness (Maniac Agenda Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I23 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Collective Consciousness (Maniac Agenda Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I23 sS'artist' p13 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_23 p30 sS'duration' p31 F152.97399997711182 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c23. Logan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - Collective Consciousness Maniac Agenda Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - It Has To Be This Way (Platinum Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I24 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V It Has To Be This Way (Platinum Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I24 sS'artist' p13 VLogan Mader and Jamie Christopherson p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_24 p30 sS'duration' p31 F166.79800009727478 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c24. Logan Mader and Jamie Christopherson - It Has To Be This Way Platinum Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMusashi Project, Toshio Masuda - The Raising Fighting Spirit p4 sS'index' p5 I25 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V The Raising Fighting Spirit p11 sS'track' p12 I25 sS'artist' p13 VMusashi Project, Toshio Masuda p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_25 p30 sS'duration' p31 F93.91199994087219 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c25. Musashi Project Toshio Masuda - The Raising Fighting Spirit.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFLOW - GO!!! p4 sS'index' p5 I26 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V GO!!! p11 sS'track' p12 I26 sS'artist' p13 VFLOW p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_26 p30 sS'duration' p31 F239.08699989318848 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c26. FLOW - GO.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - \u9065\u304b\u5f7c\u65b9 p4 sS'index' p5 I27 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I27 sS'artist' p12 Vkipumasu p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_27 p28 sS'duration' p29 F240.67799997329712 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c27. ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - \u9065\u304b\u5f7c\u65b9.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1545441957' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKANA-BOON - \u30b7\u30eb\u30a8\u30c3\u30c8 p4 sS'index' p5 I28 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I28 sS'artist' p12 Vkipumasu p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_28 p28 sS'duration' p29 F241.88100004196167 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c28. KANA-BOON - \u30b7\u30eb\u30a8\u30c3\u30c8.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1545441957' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLONG SHOT PARTY - distance p4 sS'index' p5 I29 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V distance p11 sS'track' p12 I29 sS'artist' p13 VLONG SHOT PARTY p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_29 p30 sS'duration' p31 F183.2220001220703 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c29. LONG SHOT PARTY - distance.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAfromania - \u307f\u3093\u306a\u306e\u30d4\u30fc\u30b9 p4 sS'index' p5 I30 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u307f\u3093\u306a\u306e\u30d4\u30fc\u30b9 p11 sS'track' p12 I30 sS'artist' p13 VAfromania p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_30 p30 sS'duration' p31 F153.17799997329712 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c30. Afromania - \u307f\u3093\u306a\u306e\u30d4\u30fc\u30b9.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFLOW - DAYS p4 sS'index' p5 I31 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V DAYS p11 sS'track' p12 I31 sS'artist' p13 VFLOW p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_31 p30 sS'duration' p31 F250.2869999408722 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c31. FLOW - DAYS.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFLOW - COLORS p4 sS'index' p5 I32 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V COLORS p11 sS'track' p12 I32 sS'artist' p13 VFLOW p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_32 p30 sS'duration' p31 F217.8399999141693 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c32. FLOW - COLORS.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFLOW - WORLD END p4 sS'index' p5 I33 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V WORLD END p11 sS'track' p12 I33 sS'artist' p13 VFLOW p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_33 p30 sS'duration' p31 F229.46199989318848 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c33. FLOW - WORLD END.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VFLOW - COLORS p4 sS'index' p5 I34 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V COLORS p11 sS'track' p12 I34 sS'artist' p13 VFLOW p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_34 p30 sS'duration' p31 F215.25 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c34. FLOW - COLORS.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYUI - again p4 sS'index' p5 I35 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V again p11 sS'track' p12 I35 sS'artist' p13 VYUI p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_35 p30 sS'duration' p31 F256.49699997901917 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c35. YUI - again.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V#comiket - trainroll p4 sS'index' p5 I36 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V trainroll p11 sS'track' p12 I36 sS'artist' p13 V#comiket p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_36 p30 sS'duration' p31 F939.2980000972748 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c36. comiket - trainroll.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTommy Heavenly6 - Unlimited Sky p4 sS'index' p5 I37 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Unlimited Sky p11 sS'track' p12 I37 sS'artist' p13 VTommy Heavenly6 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_37 p30 sS'duration' p31 F192.0220000743866 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c37. Tommy Heavenly6 - Unlimited Sky.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTakanori Nishikawa - Roll The Dice p4 sS'index' p5 I38 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Roll The Dice p11 sS'track' p12 I38 sS'artist' p13 VTakanori Nishikawa p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_38 p30 sS'duration' p31 F220.0550000667572 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c38. Takanori Nishikawa - Roll The Dice.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VShiro Sagisu - A Cruel Angel's Thesis (Director's Edit. Version) p4 sS'index' p5 I39 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V A Cruel Angel's Thesis (Director's Edit. Version) p11 sS'track' p12 I39 sS'artist' p13 VShiro Sagisu p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_39 p30 sS'duration' p31 F67.6729998588562 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c39. Shiro Sagisu - A Cruel Angels Thesis Directors Edit. Version.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VRick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up p4 sS'index' p5 I40 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Never Gonna Give You Up p11 sS'track' p12 I40 sS'artist' p13 VRick Astley p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_40 p30 sS'duration' p31 F161.19600009918213 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c40. Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VBasshunter - Vi Sitter I Ventrilo Och Spelar Dota p4 sS'index' p5 I41 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Vi Sitter I Ventrilo Och Spelar Dota p11 sS'track' p12 I41 sS'artist' p13 VBasshunter p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_41 p30 sS'duration' p31 F198.82400012016296 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c41. Basshunter - Vi Sitter I Ventrilo Och Spelar Dota.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCaramell - Caramelldansen p4 sS'index' p5 I42 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Caramelldansen p11 sS'track' p12 I42 sS'artist' p13 VCaramell p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_42 p30 sS'duration' p31 F96.92199993133545 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c42. Caramell - Caramelldansen.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCascada - Everytime We Touch p4 sS'index' p5 I43 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Everytime We Touch p11 sS'track' p12 I43 sS'artist' p13 VCascada p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_43 p30 sS'duration' p31 F91.69799995422363 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c43. Cascada - Everytime We Touch.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VNightcore - Everytime We Touch p4 sS'index' p5 I44 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Everytime We Touch p11 sS'track' p12 I44 sS'artist' p13 VNightcore p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_44 p30 sS'duration' p31 F159.1840000152588 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c44. Nightcore - Everytime We Touch.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VNightcore - Bad Boy p4 sS'index' p5 I45 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Bad Boy p11 sS'track' p12 I45 sS'artist' p13 VNightcore p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_45 p30 sS'duration' p31 F154.17499995231628 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c45. Nightcore - Bad Boy.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VS3RL - Pika Girl [HARDCORE] p4 sS'index' p5 I46 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Pika Girl [HARDCORE] p11 sS'track' p12 I46 sS'artist' p13 VS3RL p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_46 p30 sS'duration' p31 F220.0550000667572 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c46. S3RL - Pika Girl HARDCORE.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vs3rl - MTC p4 sS'index' p5 I47 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V MTC p11 sS'track' p12 I47 sS'artist' p13 Vs3rl p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_47 p30 sS'duration' p31 F257.50999999046326 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c47. s3rl - MTC.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VS3RL - Bass Slut (Original Mix) p4 sS'index' p5 I48 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Bass Slut (Original Mix) p11 sS'track' p12 I48 sS'artist' p13 VS3RL p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_48 p30 sS'duration' p31 F321.97000002861023 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c48. S3RL - Bass Slut Original Mix.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VNightcore - Absolute territory p4 sS'index' p5 I49 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Absolute territory p11 sS'track' p12 I49 sS'artist' p13 VNightcore p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_49 p30 sS'duration' p31 F212.0369999408722 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c49. Nightcore - Absolute territory.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VClariS - Irony (Porter Robinson Edit w Visuals) p4 sS'index' p5 I50 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Irony (Porter Robinson Edit w Visuals) p11 sS'track' p12 I50 sS'artist' p13 VClariS p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_50 p30 sS'duration' p31 F146.375 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c50. ClariS - Irony Porter Robinson Edit w Visuals.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSporty-O feat. Akemi Homura - I want my UNTZ back p4 sS'index' p5 I51 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I51 sS'artist' p12 Vkipumasu p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_51 p28 sS'duration' p29 F122.94299983978271 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c51. Sporty-O feat. Akemi Homura - I want my UNTZ back.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1545441957' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u307e\u3069\u30de\u30ae\uff2d\uff21\uff24\u6c34\u6a39\u5948\u3005Synchrogazer p4 sS'index' p5 I52 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I52 sS'artist' p12 Vkipumasu p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_52 p28 sS'duration' p29 F100.32400012016296 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c52. \u307e\u3069\u30de\u30ae\uff2d\uff21\uff24\u6c34\u6a39\u5948\u3005Synchrogazer.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1545441957' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VNUMA - NUMA p4 sS'index' p5 I53 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V NUMA p11 sS'track' p12 I53 sS'artist' p13 VNUMA p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_53 p30 sS'duration' p31 F97.7039999961853 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c53. NUMA - NUMA.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vpirate p4 sS'index' p5 I54 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I54 sS'artist' p12 Vkipumasu p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_54 p28 sS'duration' p29 F94.30200004577637 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c54. pirate.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1545441957' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u4e32\u7530\u30a2\u30ad\u30e9 - \u7a76\u6975\u306e\u8056\u6226 p4 sS'index' p5 I55 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u7a76\u6975\u306e\u8056\u6226 p11 sS'track' p12 I55 sS'artist' p13 V\u4e32\u7530\u30a2\u30ad\u30e9 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_55 p30 sS'duration' p31 F239.88299989700317 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c55. \u4e32\u7530\u30a2\u30ad\u30e9 - \u7a76\u6975\u306e\u8056\u6226.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYOU WANNA BE AN AIR FORCE RANGER p4 sS'index' p5 I56 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I56 sS'artist' p12 Vkipumasu p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_56 p28 sS'duration' p29 F14.819999933242798 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c56. YOU WANNA BE AN AIR FORCE RANGER.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1545441957' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5343\u672c\u5e7c\u5973 - Thousand Loli p4 sS'index' p5 I57 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Thousand Loli p11 sS'track' p12 I57 sS'artist' p13 V\u5343\u672c\u5e7c\u5973 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_57 p30 sS'duration' p31 F198.8230001926422 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c57. \u5343\u672c\u5e7c\u5973 - Thousand Loli.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vnyan p4 sS'index' p5 I58 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I58 sS'artist' p12 Vkipumasu p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_58 p28 sS'duration' p29 F215.84300017356873 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c58. nyan.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1545441957' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VPEANUT BUTTER - JELLY p4 sS'index' p5 I59 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V JELLY p11 sS'track' p12 I59 sS'artist' p13 VPEANUT BUTTER p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_59 p30 sS'duration' p31 F62.4779999256134 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c59. PEANUT BUTTER - JELLY.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VDimitri From Paris - Neko Mimi Mode p4 sS'index' p5 I60 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Neko Mimi Mode p11 sS'track' p12 I60 sS'artist' p13 VDimitri From Paris p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_60 p30 sS'duration' p31 F255.70099997520447 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c60. Dimitri From Paris - Neko Mimi Mode.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSo I Herd U Liek Mudkipz p4 sS'index' p5 I61 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I61 sS'artist' p12 Vkipumasu p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_61 p28 sS'duration' p29 F49.04699993133545 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c61. So I Herd U Liek Mudkipz.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1545441957' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VTokyo Purin - NO. 1 Kagayake Otome (DJ SHU'S LIGHT MIX 3) p4 sS'index' p5 I62 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V NO. 1 Kagayake Otome (DJ SHU'S LIGHT MIX 3) p11 sS'track' p12 I62 sS'artist' p13 VTokyo Purin p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_62 p30 sS'duration' p31 F195.2350001335144 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c62. Tokyo Purin - NO. 1 Kagayake Otome DJ SHUS LIGHT MIX 3.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vangela - \u50d5\u3058\u3083\u306a\u3044 p4 sS'index' p5 I63 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u50d5\u3058\u3083\u306a\u3044 p11 sS'track' p12 I63 sS'artist' p13 Vangela p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_63 p30 sS'duration' p31 F262.31500005722046 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c63. angela - \u50d5\u3058\u3083\u306a\u3044.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u539f\u7530\u3072\u3068\u307f - Overdrive p4 sS'index' p5 I64 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Overdrive p11 sS'track' p12 I64 sS'artist' p13 V\u539f\u7530\u3072\u3068\u307f p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_64 p30 sS'duration' p31 F242.06699991226196 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c64. \u539f\u7530\u3072\u3068\u307f - Overdrive.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKethstar/Seira Kagami - Super Special p4 sS'index' p5 I65 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Super Special p11 sS'track' p12 I65 sS'artist' p13 VKethstar/Seira Kagami p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vkipumasu p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ckipumasu.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005ctrack_65 p30 sS'duration' p31 F355.01200008392334 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1545441957 kipumasu\u005c65. KethstarSeira Kagami - Super Special.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1545441957' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.