DJ Claud has taken over the stream. jpeg Voltaire - BRAINS! 00:27 まめこ - 6.スーパーパンプキンMONSTER 03:35 まめこ.池田奨.後藤ハルキ.笑兵衛.凪佳二.さかと.ちな - 5.僕らのホーンテッドタウン 00:35 まめこ.池田奨.後藤ハルキ.笑兵衛.凪佳二.さかと.ちな - 僕らのホーンテッドタウン 03:30 Queen of Wand - 3LDK GhostHouse 04:10 Mamyukka - Halloween Masuquerade 03:24 Mamyukka - Nightmare Opera 05:06 まめこ - 少女とかぼちゃの話 05:19 Voltaire - The Night 04:30 Katou Tatsuya - Dareka ga Iru yo 02:30 本木 咲黒 - Birth of a new witch 04:59 Unknown artist - 0h_executioner_m 07:25 Unknown artist - rahu_goldenslaughterer 06:55 Shimamiya Eiko - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni 04:25 Kawai Kenji - main theme 03:10 Garmarna - Garmgny (Garm's Bark) 02:24 Garmarna - Hilla Lilla 06:20 Gjallarhorn - Eldgjald 04:25 Garmarna - Varulven 04:30 Milan Symphony Orchestra / Ensemble Archi Della Scala / Svetla Krasteva - Cefca 03:25 Morrigan - はじめに言葉ありき-In the beginning was the word- 03:45 Inon Zur - Lure from the Abyss 02:30 Tadayoshi Makino - Presence 01:20 Tadayoshi Makino - Jet-Black Pursuer ~Death Battle~ 04:40 Kalafina - Magia 05:09 Nitro+ - SCHIZOPHRENIA 03:35 Nitro+ - SONG OF SAYA I 03:25 Tadayoshi Makino - Duskmoon Tower 04:25 Hiroshi Watanabe - Spiritual Woods 02:14 WAVE - Witchcraft 03:55 TPR - Pandemonium 03:40 増田順一 / Junichi Masuda - シオンタウンのテーマ / Shion Town no Theme (Kipu is a fag, not memeing) 01:49 Toshiyuki Mori - Golbeza, Clad in the Dark 03:35 TPR - Kuja’s Theme 03:21 TPR - Forested Temple 02:15 TPR - J-E-N-O-V-A 02:29 TPR - Listen to the Cries of the Planet 02:11 Seiji Honda - One-Winged Angel 04:48 Man Man - Engrish Bwudd 03:30 Various Artists - Burning Halloween Town: Stage A-1 03:50 Yuki Kajiura - in the garden of sinners 02:19 Yuki Kajiura - Mujun Rasen III - spiral 13:21 Kalafina - seventh heaven 06:07 Kalafina - ARIA 05:22 Kou Ogata - 東方妖々夢 04:20 Morrigan, リリィ - アトゾンミシェル -紫光の塔- (Urtoesone Mischere -the Purple Light Tower-) 05:16 Yuzo Koshiro - 04 - Invitation of a Crazed Moon 02:34 Oshima Hiroyuki feat. Katakiri Rekka - Why, or Why Not? 05:40