(lp0 I01 aVexci p1 aS'png' p2 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMarina Inoue - Happy Halloween MARIA p4 sS'index' p5 I1 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Happy Halloween MARIA p11 sS'track' p12 I1 sS'artist' p13 VMarina Inoue p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_1 p30 sS'duration' p31 F0.9210000038146973 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c1. Marina Inoue - Happy Halloween MARIA.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAbingdon Boys School - Kimi no Uta p4 sS'index' p5 I2 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Kimi no Uta p11 sS'track' p12 I2 sS'artist' p13 VAbingdon Boys School p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_2 p30 sS'duration' p31 F25.42799997329712 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c2. Abingdon Boys School - Kimi no Uta.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vnothing - nothing p4 sS'index' p5 I3 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V nothing p11 sS'track' p12 I3 sS'artist' p13 Vnothing p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_3 p30 sS'duration' p31 F10.810999870300293 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c3. nothing - nothing.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u4e2d\u5cf6\u611b - Bitter Sweet Harmony p4 sS'index' p5 I4 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Bitter Sweet Harmony p11 sS'track' p12 I4 sS'artist' p13 V\u4e2d\u5cf6\u611b p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_4 p30 sS'duration' p31 F273.7339999675751 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c4. \u4e2d\u5cf6\u611b - Bitter Sweet Harmony.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMYTH & ROID - VORACITY p4 sS'index' p5 I5 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V VORACITY p11 sS'track' p12 I5 sS'artist' p13 VMYTH & ROID p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_5 p30 sS'duration' p31 F231.0829999446869 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c5. MYTH & ROID - VORACITY.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3044\u3068\u3046\u304b\u306a\u3053 - \u30d5\u30a1\u30c6\u30a3\u30de p4 sS'index' p5 I6 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30d5\u30a1\u30c6\u30a3\u30de p11 sS'track' p12 I6 sS'artist' p13 V\u3044\u3068\u3046\u304b\u306a\u3053 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_6 p30 sS'duration' p31 F245.10800004005432 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c6. \u3044\u3068\u3046\u304b\u306a\u3053 - \u30d5\u30a1\u30c6\u30a3\u30de.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VOxT - Silent Solitude p4 sS'index' p5 I7 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Silent Solitude p11 sS'track' p12 I7 sS'artist' p13 VOxT p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_7 p30 sS'duration' p31 F208.63499999046326 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c7. OxT - Silent Solitude.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V? - OLDCODEX - Heading to Over p4 sS'index' p5 I8 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I8 sS'artist' p12 Vexci p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_8 p28 sS'duration' p29 F87.11099982261658 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c8. - OLDCODEX - Heading to Over.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1534081429' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VOLDCODEX - Heading to Over p4 sS'index' p5 I9 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Heading to Over p11 sS'track' p12 I9 sS'artist' p13 VOLDCODEX p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_9 p30 sS'duration' p31 F642.7829999923706 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c9. OLDCODEX - Heading to Over.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYUC'e - Sengoku HOP p4 sS'index' p5 I10 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Sengoku HOP p11 sS'track' p12 I10 sS'artist' p13 VYUC'e p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_10 p30 sS'duration' p31 F196.23200011253357 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c10. YUC'e - Sengoku HOP.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30b3\u30b3 (Innocent Key), \u4e03\u6761\u30ec\u30bf\u30b9, \u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 - \u30b5\u30fc\u30c9\u30a2\u30a4\u3084\uff01 p4 sS'index' p5 I11 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30b5\u30fc\u30c9\u30a2\u30a4\u3084\uff01 p11 sS'track' p12 I11 sS'artist' p13 V\u30b3\u30b3 (Innocent Key), \u4e03\u6761\u30ec\u30bf\u30b9, \u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_11 p30 sS'duration' p31 F296.1670000553131 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c11. \u30b3\u30b3 (Innocent Key), \u4e03\u6761\u30ec\u30bf\u30b9, \u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 - \u30b5\u30fc\u30c9\u30a2\u30a4\u3084\uff01.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 - \u30d9\u30fc\u30b9\u30e9\u30a4\u30f3\u3084\u3063\u3066\u308b\uff1f\u7b11 p4 sS'index' p5 I12 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30d9\u30fc\u30b9\u30e9\u30a4\u30f3\u3084\u3063\u3066\u308b\uff1f\u7b11 p11 sS'track' p12 I12 sS'artist' p13 V\u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_12 p30 sS'duration' p31 F286.9469997882843 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c12. \u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 - \u30d9\u30fc\u30b9\u30e9\u30a4\u30f3\u3084\u3063\u3066\u308b\uff1f\u7b11.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u2013x]\u2014R\u02c6߁~Vinyl Junkie - Coloring (Oblongar "Poison Me" Mashup) p4 sS'index' p5 I13 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Coloring (Oblongar "Poison Me" Mashup) p11 sS'track' p12 I13 sS'artist' p13 V\u2013x]\u2014R\u02c6߁~Vinyl Junkie p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_13 p30 sS'duration' p31 F739.9090001583099 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c13. \u2013x]\u2014R\u02c6߁~Vinyl Junkie - Coloring (Oblongar Poison Me Mashup).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V? - YURiKA - Futari no Hane p4 sS'index' p5 I14 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I14 sS'artist' p12 Vexci p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_14 p28 sS'duration' p29 F120.35399985313416 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c14. - YURiKA - Futari no Hane.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1534081429' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V? - Shonan no Kaze - Grand Blue p4 sS'index' p5 I15 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I15 sS'artist' p12 Vexci p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_15 p28 sS'duration' p29 F310.4100000858307 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c15. - Shonan no Kaze - Grand Blue.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1534081429' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VRay - ebb and flow (Nagi no Asukara Lull U Tonite Mashup) p4 sS'index' p5 I16 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V ebb and flow (Nagi no Asukara Lull U Tonite Mashup) p11 sS'track' p12 I16 sS'artist' p13 VRay p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_16 p30 sS'duration' p31 F264.3269999027252 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c16. Ray - ebb and flow (Nagi no Asukara Lull U Tonite Mashup).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u3042\u3093\u3053\u3046\u30c1\u30fc\u30e0 - Enter Enter Mission! (Oblongar Nobody 2 Love Mashup) p4 sS'index' p5 I17 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Enter Enter Mission! (Oblongar Nobody 2 Love Mashup) p11 sS'track' p12 I17 sS'artist' p13 V\u3042\u3093\u3053\u3046\u30c1\u30fc\u30e0 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_17 p30 sS'duration' p31 F264.51399993896484 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c17. \u3042\u3093\u3053\u3046\u30c1\u30fc\u30e0 - Enter Enter Mission! (Oblongar Nobody 2 Love Mashup).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u0192i\u0192m~Metrik - No pain, No game (Oblongar Break Of Dawn Mashup) p4 sS'index' p5 I18 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V No pain, No game (Oblongar Break Of Dawn Mashup) p11 sS'track' p12 I18 sS'artist' p13 V\u0192i\u0192m~Metrik p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_18 p30 sS'duration' p31 F275.9340000152588 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c18. \u0192i\u0192m~Metrik - No pain, No game (Oblongar Break Of Dawn Mashup).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u5742\u672c\u771f\u7dbe - Waiting for the rain (Oblongar remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I19 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Waiting for the rain (Oblongar remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I19 sS'artist' p13 V\u5742\u672c\u771f\u7dbe p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_19 p30 sS'duration' p31 F272.1269998550415 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c19. \u5742\u672c\u771f\u7dbe - Waiting for the rain (Oblongar remix).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V? - PON DE SNAIL p4 sS'index' p5 I20 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V PON DE SNAIL p11 sS'track' p12 I20 sS'artist' p13 V? p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_20 p30 sS'duration' p31 F193.83000016212463 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c20. - PON DE SNAIL.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VRascal Flatts - Banjo p4 sS'index' p5 I21 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Banjo p11 sS'track' p12 I21 sS'artist' p13 VRascal Flatts p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vexci p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005cexci.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005ctrack_21 p30 sS'duration' p31 F224.625 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1534081429 exci\u005c21. Rascal Flatts - Banjo.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1534081429' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.