(lp0 I01 aVapt-get p1 aS'png' p2 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMizuki Nana - Sound of Destiny p4 sS'index' p5 I1 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Sound of Destiny p11 sS'track' p12 I1 sS'artist' p13 VMizuki Nana p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_1 p30 sS'duration' p31 F1.434999942779541 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c1. Mizuki Nana - Sound of Destiny.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VHorie Yui - Silky Heart (Caramel Alter remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I2 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Silky Heart (Caramel Alter remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I2 sS'artist' p13 VHorie Yui p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_2 p30 sS'duration' p31 F195.9210000038147 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c2. Horie Yui - Silky Heart (Caramel Alter remix).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VNor + YUC'e - Maple Trick\u5668 p4 sS'index' p5 I3 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Maple Trick\u5668 p11 sS'track' p12 I3 sS'artist' p13 VNor + YUC'e p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_3 p30 sS'duration' p31 F101.9300000667572 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c3. Nor + YUC'e - Maple Trick\u5668.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYUC'e - Future C\u03b1ndy p4 sS'index' p5 I4 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Future C\u03b1ndy p11 sS'track' p12 I4 sS'artist' p13 VYUC'e p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_4 p30 sS'duration' p31 F342.82599997520447 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c4. YUC'e - Future C\u03b1ndy.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYUC'e - Tick Tock p4 sS'index' p5 I5 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Tick Tock p11 sS'track' p12 I5 sS'artist' p13 VYUC'e p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_5 p30 sS'duration' p31 F215.04699993133545 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c5. YUC'e - Tick Tock.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMoe Shop, YUC'e - Baby Pink (feat. YUC'e) p4 sS'index' p5 I6 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Baby Pink (feat. YUC'e) p11 sS'track' p12 I6 sS'artist' p13 VMoe Shop, YUC'e p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_6 p30 sS'duration' p31 F296.5569999217987 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c6. Moe Shop, YUC'e - Baby Pink (feat. YUC'e).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYUC'e - Ghost Town p4 sS'index' p5 I7 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Ghost Town p11 sS'track' p12 I7 sS'artist' p13 VYUC'e p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_7 p30 sS'duration' p31 F198.0420000553131 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c7. YUC'e - Ghost Town.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vandroid52 - super anime groove 3d world p4 sS'index' p5 I8 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V super anime groove 3d world p11 sS'track' p12 I8 sS'artist' p13 Vandroid52 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_8 p30 sS'duration' p31 F197.8399999141693 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c8. android52 - super anime groove 3d world.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAiobahn & Yunomi - \u9280\u6cb3\u9244\u9053\u306e\u30da\u30f3\u30ae\u30f3 ft. nicamoq (Stripe.P Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I9 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u9280\u6cb3\u9244\u9053\u306e\u30da\u30f3\u30ae\u30f3 ft. nicamoq (Stripe.P Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I9 sS'artist' p13 VAiobahn & Yunomi p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_9 p30 sS'duration' p31 F233.47000002861023 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c9. Aiobahn & Yunomi - \u9280\u6cb3\u9244\u9053\u306e\u30da\u30f3\u30ae\u30f3 ft. nicamoq (Stripe.P Remix).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VQuarks (kradness×Camellia) - Sugary p4 sS'index' p5 I10 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Sugary p11 sS'track' p12 I10 sS'artist' p13 VQuarks (kradness×Camellia) p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_10 p30 sS'duration' p31 F269.1160001754761 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c10. Quarks (kradness×Camellia) - Sugary.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYunomi - \u30ed\u30db\u3099\u30c6\u30a3\u30c3\u30af\u30ab\u3099\u30fc\u30eb (feat. Nicamoq) p4 sS'index' p5 I11 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30ed\u30db\u3099\u30c6\u30a3\u30c3\u30af\u30ab\u3099\u30fc\u30eb (feat. Nicamoq) p11 sS'track' p12 I11 sS'artist' p13 VYunomi p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_11 p30 sS'duration' p31 F266.12099981307983 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c11. Yunomi - \u30ed\u30db\u3099\u30c6\u30a3\u30c3\u30af\u30ab\u3099\u30fc\u30eb (feat. Nicamoq).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAiobahn - \u30de\u30b8\u30ab\u30eb\u30b9\u30a4\u30fc\u30c8\u30b1\u30fc\u30ad [matra magic Remix] p4 sS'index' p5 I12 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30de\u30b8\u30ab\u30eb\u30b9\u30a4\u30fc\u30c8\u30b1\u30fc\u30ad [matra magic Remix] p11 sS'track' p12 I12 sS'artist' p13 VAiobahn p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_12 p30 sS'duration' p31 F181.8180000782013 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c12. Aiobahn - \u30de\u30b8\u30ab\u30eb\u30b9\u30a4\u30fc\u30c8\u30b1\u30fc\u30ad [matra magic Remix].mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VYUC'e - \u6226\u56fdHOP p4 sS'index' p5 I13 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u6226\u56fdHOP p11 sS'track' p12 I13 sS'artist' p13 VYUC'e p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_13 p30 sS'duration' p31 F205.04699993133545 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c13. YUC'e - \u6226\u56fdHOP.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMoe Shop - Magic (feat. Mylk) p4 sS'index' p5 I14 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Magic (feat. Mylk) p11 sS'track' p12 I14 sS'artist' p13 VMoe Shop p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_14 p30 sS'duration' p31 F209.6489999294281 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c14. Moe Shop - Magic (feat. Mylk).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 & \u306a\u306a\u3072\u3089 - senpai, notice me! p4 sS'index' p5 I15 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V senpai, notice me! p11 sS'track' p12 I15 sS'artist' p13 V\u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 & \u306a\u306a\u3072\u3089 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_15 p30 sS'duration' p31 F280.5510001182556 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c15. \u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 & \u306a\u306a\u3072\u3089 - senpai, notice me!.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMEGAREX - Gateau p4 sS'index' p5 I16 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Gateau p11 sS'track' p12 I16 sS'artist' p13 VMEGAREX p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_16 p30 sS'duration' p31 F279.5369999408722 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c16. MEGAREX - Gateau.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VKOTONOHOUSE - Don't Freak Out! p4 sS'index' p5 I17 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Don't Freak Out! p11 sS'track' p12 I17 sS'artist' p13 VKOTONOHOUSE p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_17 p30 sS'duration' p31 F240.52099990844727 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c17. KOTONOHOUSE - Don't Freak Out!.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VSeventhrun - Odin p4 sS'index' p5 I18 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Odin p11 sS'track' p12 I18 sS'artist' p13 VSeventhrun p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_18 p30 sS'duration' p31 F240.89600014686584 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c18. Seventhrun - Odin.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLite Show Magic - \u6708\u71c8\u7c60 (Lite Show Magic Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I19 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u6708\u71c8\u7c60 (Lite Show Magic Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I19 sS'artist' p13 VLite Show Magic p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_19 p30 sS'duration' p31 F243.5 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c19. Lite Show Magic - \u6708\u71c8\u7c60 (Lite Show Magic Remix).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vt+pazolite - tpz_Kaguyaluna_171225 p4 sS'index' p5 I20 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V tpz_Kaguyaluna_171225 p11 sS'track' p12 I20 sS'artist' p13 Vt+pazolite p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_20 p30 sS'duration' p31 F78.0939998626709 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c20. t+pazolite - tpz_Kaguyaluna_171225.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 & \u306a\u306a\u3072\u3089 - \u9244\u9053\u8ff7\u5bae(TRAIN LABYRINTH) \uff5e\u629c\u3051\u51fa\u305b\u3001\u8d85\u5bbf\u99c5\uff5e p4 sS'index' p5 I21 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u9244\u9053\u8ff7\u5bae(TRAIN LABYRINTH) \uff5e\u629c\u3051\u51fa\u305b\u3001\u8d85\u5bbf\u99c5\uff5e p11 sS'track' p12 I21 sS'artist' p13 V\u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 & \u306a\u306a\u3072\u3089 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_21 p30 sS'duration' p31 F262.9230000972748 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c21. \u304b\u3081\u308a\u3042 & \u306a\u306a\u3072\u3089 - \u9244\u9053\u8ff7\u5bae(TRAIN LABYRINTH) \uff5e\u629c\u3051\u51fa\u305b\u3001\u8d85\u5bbf\u99c5\uff5e.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vt+pazolite - Little "Sister" Bitch p4 sS'index' p5 I22 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Little "Sister" Bitch p11 sS'track' p12 I22 sS'artist' p13 Vt+pazolite p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_22 p30 sS'duration' p31 F151.97499990463257 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c22. t+pazolite - Little Sister Bitch.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30ea\u30ba\u30ca - \u671b\u307e\u308c\u306c\u591c\u660e\u3051 (fu_mou Remix) p4 sS'index' p5 I23 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u671b\u307e\u308c\u306c\u591c\u660e\u3051 (fu_mou Remix) p11 sS'track' p12 I23 sS'artist' p13 V\u30ea\u30ba\u30ca p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_23 p30 sS'duration' p31 F309.16100001335144 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c23. \u30ea\u30ba\u30ca - \u671b\u307e\u308c\u306c\u591c\u660e\u3051 (fu_mou Remix).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VLAZ - Animal Friends p4 sS'index' p5 I24 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Animal Friends p11 sS'track' p12 I24 sS'artist' p13 VLAZ p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_24 p30 sS'duration' p31 F288.3509998321533 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c24. LAZ - Animal Friends.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u30de\u30af\u30ed\u30b9MACROSS 82-99 - \u300e82.99 F.M\u300f p4 sS'index' p5 I25 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 g4 sS'track' p11 I25 sS'artist' p12 Vapt-get p13 sS'comments' p14 S'Recorded with PYSS' p15 sS'albumartist' p16 g13 ssS'dj' p17 g13 sS'extension' p18 S'mp3' p19 sg10 g4 sS'dj_image' p20 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p21 sg12 g13 sS'dj_extension' p22 S'png' p23 sS'part' p24 I0 sS'location' p25 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p26 sS'raw_segment' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_25 p28 sS'duration' p29 F149.16799998283386 sS'destination_file' p30 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c25. \u30de\u30af\u30ed\u30b9MACROSS 82-99 - \u300e82.99 F.M\u300f.mp3 p31 sg8 S'1533840216' p32 sS'bitrate' p33 I192 sS'last_part' p34 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAiobahn - \u6df1\u6df5\u306e\u30de\u30fc\u30e1\u30a4\u30c9 p4 sS'index' p5 I26 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u6df1\u6df5\u306e\u30de\u30fc\u30e1\u30a4\u30c9 p11 sS'track' p12 I26 sS'artist' p13 VAiobahn p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_26 p30 sS'duration' p31 F178.4170000553131 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c26. Aiobahn - \u6df1\u6df5\u306e\u30de\u30fc\u30e1\u30a4\u30c9.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAiobahn - \u6c38\u4e45\u306e\u5bb4 p4 sS'index' p5 I27 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u6c38\u4e45\u306e\u5bb4 p11 sS'track' p12 I27 sS'artist' p13 VAiobahn p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_27 p30 sS'duration' p31 F178.8069999217987 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c27. Aiobahn - \u6c38\u4e45\u306e\u5bb4.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMoe Shop - Virtual (feat. Puniden) p4 sS'index' p5 I28 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Virtual (feat. Puniden) p11 sS'track' p12 I28 sS'artist' p13 VMoe Shop p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_28 p30 sS'duration' p31 F211.25600004196167 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c28. Moe Shop - Virtual (feat. Puniden).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VAiobahn - \u30de\u30b8\u30ab\u30eb\u30b9\u30a4\u30fc\u30c8\u30b1\u30fc\u30ad [Stripe.P Remix] p4 sS'index' p5 I29 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u30de\u30b8\u30ab\u30eb\u30b9\u30a4\u30fc\u30c8\u30b1\u30fc\u30ad [Stripe.P Remix] p11 sS'track' p12 I29 sS'artist' p13 VAiobahn p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_29 p30 sS'duration' p31 F232.08100008964539 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c29. Aiobahn - \u30de\u30b8\u30ab\u30eb\u30b9\u30a4\u30fc\u30c8\u30b1\u30fc\u30ad [Stripe.P Remix].mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 Vangela - \u5168\u529b\u2606Summer! p4 sS'index' p5 I30 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V \u5168\u529b\u2606Summer! p11 sS'track' p12 I30 sS'artist' p13 Vangela p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_30 p30 sS'duration' p31 F232.87700009346008 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c30. angela - \u5168\u529b\u2606Summer!.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VNor + YUC'e - Advance p4 sS'index' p5 I31 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Advance p11 sS'track' p12 I31 sS'artist' p13 VNor + YUC'e p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_31 p30 sS'duration' p31 F285.5590000152588 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c31. Nor + YUC'e - Advance.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VMoe Shop - Say p4 sS'index' p5 I32 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Say p11 sS'track' p12 I32 sS'artist' p13 VMoe Shop p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_32 p30 sS'duration' p31 F201.24000000953674 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c32. Moe Shop - Say.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VEuchaeta - A Songwriter's Cosmos p4 sS'index' p5 I33 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V A Songwriter's Cosmos p11 sS'track' p12 I33 sS'artist' p13 VEuchaeta p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_33 p30 sS'duration' p31 F263.9210000038147 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c33. Euchaeta - A Songwriter's Cosmos.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCON - Souls on the hammock p4 sS'index' p5 I34 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Souls on the hammock p11 sS'track' p12 I34 sS'artist' p13 VCON p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_34 p30 sS'duration' p31 F71.27699995040894 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c34. CON - Souls on the hammock.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCON - Dance even Owl p4 sS'index' p5 I35 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Dance even Owl p11 sS'track' p12 I35 sS'artist' p13 VCON p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_35 p30 sS'duration' p31 F230.88100004196167 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c35. CON - Dance even Owl.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCON, \u30c4\u30ac\u30e8\u30a6 - Silky hair p4 sS'index' p5 I36 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Silky hair p11 sS'track' p12 I36 sS'artist' p13 VCON, \u30c4\u30ac\u30e8\u30a6 p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_36 p30 sS'duration' p31 F286.94600009918213 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c36. CON, \u30c4\u30ac\u30e8\u30a6 - Silky hair.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 V\u7396\u9596\u30a2\u30ab\u30cd - Magical color (bossa) p4 sS'index' p5 I37 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Magical color (bossa) p11 sS'track' p12 I37 sS'artist' p13 V\u7396\u9596\u30a2\u30ab\u30cd p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_37 p30 sS'duration' p31 F322.3910000324249 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c37. \u7396\u9596\u30a2\u30ab\u30cd - Magical color (bossa).mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCON - Hilly windy p4 sS'index' p5 I38 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Hilly windy p11 sS'track' p12 I38 sS'artist' p13 VCON p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_38 p30 sS'duration' p31 F248.30499982833862 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c38. CON - Hilly windy.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCON - Seasoning unusual p4 sS'index' p5 I39 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Seasoning unusual p11 sS'track' p12 I39 sS'artist' p13 VCON p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_39 p30 sS'duration' p31 F284.15500020980835 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c39. CON - Seasoning unusual.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.(lp0 (i__main__ SongData p1 (dp2 S'raw_title' p3 VCON - Sail in the distance p4 sS'index' p5 I40 sS'file_tags' p6 (dp7 S'album' p8 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves p9 sS'title' p10 V Sail in the distance p11 sS'track' p12 I40 sS'artist' p13 VCON p14 sS'comments' p15 S'Recorded with PYSS' p16 sS'albumartist' p17 Vapt-get p18 ssS'dj' p19 g18 sS'extension' p20 S'mp3' p21 sg10 g11 sS'dj_image' p22 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005capt-get.png p23 sg13 g14 sS'dj_extension' p24 S'png' p25 sS'part' p26 I0 sS'location' p27 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get p28 sS'raw_segment' p29 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005ctrack_40 p30 sS'duration' p31 F259.1159999370575 sS'destination_file' p32 VD:\u005cr-a-d.io saves\u005c1533840216 apt-get\u005c40. CON - Sail in the distance.mp3 p33 sg8 S'1533840216' p34 sS'bitrate' p35 I192 sS'last_part' p36 I00 sbaI01 a.